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Premarital counseling : discover the 9 essential topics to discuss
➡️ All the essential pre-marriage prep topics to get you off to a good start.
However, apart from the festive aspect of the event, it’s essential to focus on the fundamental aspects that will lay the foundations of your union for years to come. To build a strong and fulfilling marriage relationship, it’s essential to ask and explore key questions before committing to marriage.
💡 If at first you’re wondering if premarital counseling programs are for you, we recommend our complete guide on premarital counseling in 10 questions.
Table of contents
1 – Your family heritage and experience
One of the foundations of any relationship is therefore the family heritage and values passed on by the parents of each of the engaged couple.
This introspection fosters better mutual understanding and helps lay the foundations for a solid union.
Similarly, discuss openly the patterns and behaviors you’d like to avoid, to create a unique voice as a couple.
Sound abstract ? Here are a few concrete examples :
Here are some examples of things you might want to keep and reproduce in your life together :
➡️ « I grew up in a very open home : there were always friends, family… passing through and I really enjoyed growing up in that environment. »
Here are some examples of things you might want to set aside and not keep in your future life together :
➡️ « My parents only resolved conflicts by shouting, then pretended nothing had happened. I wish we could work differently. »
➡️ « We rarely, if ever, had meals together as a family. I missed it. »
➡️ « In my family, racism and intolerance are widespread. I don’t want that in our home ».
2 – Your history since you met ; your couple’s strengths and weaknesses
Don’t forget your strengths :
- And if your choice to build together seems obvious, it’s still important to take the time to remember :
- 👉🏼 Why you chose each other : at the very beginning of your story, but also what confirmed your choice over time.
- 👉🏼 What milestones you’ve already reached together (both positive and negative), and above all how you overcame them.
Build on your weaknesses :
Finally, discuss your strengths and weaknesses.
as a couple will enable you to :
- 👉🏼 In times of difficulty, you can look back on your strengths and build on them.
- 👉🏼 Be vigilant about areas for improvement, and think of ways to work on them.
Taking care of your relationship also means being clear-headed and knowing how to roll up your sleeves.
3 – The compatibility of your personalities
To prevent these differences from becoming problematic in your married life, take the time to explore in depth how your personalities complement each other or can potentially conflict.
The first question is :
What traits in our two personalities set us apart the most ?
Learn to accept and value these differences, while working together to find practical solutions for harmonious coexistence.
Also, to end on a positive note, identify the areas where this complementarity has already strengthened your relationship and how it could continue to be a strength in the future.
- Here are some examples of personality pairs to work on :
- Optimistic / pessimistic
- Neat / messy
- Talkative / taciturn
- Liabilities / Assets
- Rational / instinctive
- Organized / intuitive
4 – The foundations of your marriage
A successful marriage is based on a shared intention.
Marriage is a commitment that goes far beyond a party. Why do you want to get married ? What are your motivations, from the most superficial to the deepest ? To help you answer these questions, we’ve put together an article on the subject that you can find here : https://www.unio-preparation.com//en/blog/why-get-married/.
It will enable you to draw strength from the commitment you made on your wedding day throughout your journey together.
Specifically, before the wedding :
- 👉🏼 Identify the values that are particularly important to each of you (loyalty, adventure, security…),
- 👉🏼 Discuss your mutual needs and expectations (such as tenderness, trust…),
- 👉🏼 Consider the rituals you’d like to perpetuate or create : a weekly breakfast in bed ? a trip for two a year ? share a spiritual practice…
- 👉🏼 Determine the specific ingredients that will contribute to your marital happiness. What is your vision of a successful wedding ?
- 👉🏼 Define the limits necessary to maintain a healthy relationship : what is and isn’t acceptable to you ?
5 – Communication, an essential part of your premarital counseling course
Communication is a fundamental pillar of a fulfilling relationship.
- Take advantage of the pre-marriage prep period to assess your current communication habits.
- Make sure you know how to actively listen to your partner and that you also feel listened to in return.
- Are you comfortable discussing all subjects with your partner ? If this isn’t already the case, try to understand the underlying reasons and explore ways of improving your communication.
Discovering them during your engagement is a treasure for your couple !
6 – Conflict management
Disagreements are an integral part of any relationship, but it’s essential to deal with them constructively.
Take time to evaluate how you handle conflict in your relationship :
Identify negative patterns :
👉🏼 Identify negative patterns that could be repeated and understand how your emotional reactions influence your interactions. A healthy argument is a non-violent one, where everyone is allowed to express themselves.
Reconnect after a disagreement :
👉🏼 Learn how to reconnect after a disagreement and explore ways to strengthen your bond after an argument. This includes forgiveness.
The Unio premarital counseling coursegives you the keys to a healthier, more constructive way of dealing with disputes.
7 – Your sexual intimacy
- Before celebrating your union, take the time to discuss :
- ➡️ the place of sexuality in your married life
- ➡️ your level of satisfaction
- ➡️ what stimulates or hinders your sexual desire
Another interesting dimension of your marriage preparation is to examine the messages you received about sexuality during your childhood and early adulthood. Their impact is often very great on your current intimate life.
8 – Your vision of the family
What does « starting a family » mean to you ?
- The prospect of « starting a family » can mean different things to different people :
- have children biologically,
- adopt them,
- stay two,
- cherish pets,
- …
Your expectations and preferences
If you’re considering parenthood, discuss your plans openly.
expectations and preferences. As you prepare for your marriage, discuss topics such as :
- the number of children you wish to have,
- your educational values,
- the role you’d like to play as a parent,
- the place of your extended family in the lives of your future children,
- the place of your couple in your future family,
- …
9 – Your life together
Take the time to examine your vision of your future life in depth, on two levels :
Daily life as a married couple.
Discuss money management and your joint budget, household management, time-sharing and your respective career aspirations.
Look for a balance that works for both of you, and be sure to re-evaluate these arrangements periodically to take into account changes in your situation and aspirations.
Your personal and shared dreams
Sharing a daily routine, but not only !
Examining desires and projects together encourages momentum towards their realization, by considering practical solutions together.
It’s important to talk about these issues before you get married.
Whether you’ve chosen a civil, secular or religious wedding, and whether you’re a heterosexual or same-sex couple, there’s a lot more to preparing your wedding than just organizing the day (cocktails, wedding announcement, choice of caterer, officiant, wedding rings…).
The organization of D‑Day should not overshadow the fundamental issues.
By addressing these topics with genuine sincerity and commitment, you’ll lay a solid foundation for your relationship as a married couple.
Keep in mind that marriage is an ongoing, evolving journey. Keep investing time and energy in your relationship, communicating openly and growing together to face the challenges and joys life has in store for you.
To guide you step by step through these discussions and reflections, you can choose to follow the Unio premarital counseling program, which offers structured sessions to explore these and other questions. The first session is only $39.
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