Values in a relationship

We often hear that values are the cement, or at least the cen­tral pillar, of a couple.

But real­ly, what are values ? And is it abso­lu­te­ly neces­sa­ry to have the same values as a couple to be hap­py ? Unio gives you some answers.

💡 In fact, values,edu­ca­tion and the way they are pas­sed on are all topics cove­red in our article on 
the keys to a suc­cess­ful life together
. You’ll find plen­ty of easy-to-imple­ment tips for your eve­ry­day life.

What are values ?

What does it mean ?

Accor­ding to the Larousse dic­tio­na­ry, a value is » what is consi­de­red true, beau­ti­ful, good, from a per­so­nal point of view or accor­ding to the cri­te­ria of a socie­ty, and which is given as an ideal to attain, as some­thing to defend «.

To put it sim­ply, values are the fil­ter through which we conduct our lives : they’re the basis on which we judge what’s right or wrong, what we feel like doing, how com­for­table or uncom­for­table we feel in a situation…

These are our fun­da­men­tal prin­ciples, our dee­pest beliefs…

Where do they come from ? 

There are two types of values : inhe­ri­ted values and cho­sen values.

  • Inhe­ri­ted values are those that come from our envi­ron­ment : fami­ly values, of course, but more broad­ly from the socie­ty in which we grow up.

    For example : in terms of fami­ly heri­tage, someone who grew up in a fami­ly where aca­de­mic suc­cess was very impor­tant will pro­ba­bly inhe­rit the value of hard work and effort… On a socie­tal scale, a per­son born in 1960 in the USSR and a per­son born the same year in the USA will not have recei­ved the same mes­sage, and this will be reflec­ted in their values.

    In Unio ses­sion 1, » Buil­ding on our sto­ries «, we invite you to take stock of this heri­tage : which of your inhe­ri­ted values would you like to put aside ? But which ones do you want to keep and bring into your relationship ?

  • Cho­sen values, on the other hand, are those we conscious­ly choose, some­times in oppo­si­tion to those we have recei­ved. A per­son who grew up in a bro­ken home may choose to cen­ter his or her adult life around strong fami­ly values.

    The values we choose are the ingre­dients of the per­son we want to be.

How do they express themselves ? 

Our values are the dri­ving force behind our actions : they are expres­sed not only in what we do, but also in the way we express our­selves and choose the people around us. At Unio, we are convin­ced that the key to hap­pi­ness lies in ali­gn­ment : acting exact­ly accor­ding to the values we hold.

And, of course, they’re not judg­men­tal : they evolve as our expe­riences and encoun­ters change…

Individual values

List of main values 

To help you, here’s a list of the top 50 values. It’s not exhaus­tive, of course, but you can alrea­dy see which ones speak to you the most. 
Friend­ship Cele­bri­ty Deter­mi­na­tion Influence Res­pect
Love Citi­zen­ship Avai­la­bi­li­ty Inno­va­tion Self-res­pect
Fun Com­mu­ni­ty Lis­ten Jutice Lia­bi­li­ty
Lear­ning Com­pas­sion Balance Opti­mism Suc­cess
Sil­ver Com­pe­tence Relia­bi­li­ty Ope­ning Wealth
Auda­ci­ty Know­ledge Loyal­ty Peace Wis­dom
Authen­ti­ci­ty Contri­bu­tion Faith Plea­sure Secu­ri­ty
Auto­no­my Crea­ti­vi­ty Kind­ness Popu­la­ri­ty Spi­ri­tua­li­ty
Autho­ri­ty Growth Har­mo­nie Recog­ni­tion Sta­bi­li­ty
Adven­ture Curio­si­ty Hones­ty Reli­gion Sta­tus
Hap­pi­ness Chal­lenge Humor Repu­ta­tion Work

How to define them 

We sug­gest you take the time to choose the five values that speak most to you from the list above. Once they’re lis­ted, the hard part is to prio­ri­tize them. It can take a long time, but it’s a very rewar­ding exer­cise, which allows you to set a course for your life. 

On this sub­ject, we recom­mend Chloé Bloom’s episode : 
Values : « get­ting to know your­self better ».

Bringing them to life

Values on paper are a first step. But what next ?

    For each of the five values below, we sug­gest you do two things :
  • List the actions in your cur­rent life that reflect these values
  • List the very concrete things you could do to ali­gn your­self even more clo­se­ly with these values

At Unio, we are inter­es­ted in hea­ring your ideas in comments 😉

The couple’s values

What about the couple ?

    We dis­tin­guish two types of values in the couple :
  • gene­ral values that will shape your life
  • values that are spe­ci­fic to the func­tio­ning of the couple itself.

Shared values

The values of living toge­ther are those that will guide your pro­jects, your joint orga­ni­za­tion… For example, if your main sha­red value is hedo­nism, you’ll orga­nize your life to make time for leisure.

How do you define them ? Talk, always talk. Go back to your indi­vi­dual values defi­ned in the pre­vious step, and see which ones you have in com­mon, and which ones are distinct.

Chances are, many of them are com­mon : we tend to go for people who share our values. On the other hand, it is pos­sible to have dif­ferent, even contra­dic­to­ry, values. It’s not a big deal, but you have to be aware of it and find a way to make it work toge­ther. For example, if Marc is dri­ven by the value of inde­pen­dence and Theo by fusion in the couple, we need to think about a balance that suits both.

Torque values

We’re tal­king here about values spe­ci­fic to the couple, which in a way enable you to define your « couple pact ».

Among the most clas­sic are : fide­li­ty (to be clear­ly defi­ned), sha­red inter­ests, tenderness…

    Accor­ding to a Sta­tis­ti­ca sur­vey, the most impor­tant value groups in a couple are :
  • Safe­ty
  • Confi­dence
  • The com­pli­ci­ty


These sha­red values have an imme­diate impact on the cou­ple’s func­tio­ning, their com­mu­ni­ca­tion… But that’s not all ! 

    In our opi­nion, it is essen­tial to have this dis­cus­sion on values, as it has a strong impact on two points in par­ti­cu­lar :
  • Life pro­jects : going on a round-the-world trip doesn’t reflect the same values as buying a house together.
  • Rai­sing and pas­sing on your chil­dren : if you’re not ali­gned with your values, it can get complicated.
Bonus !
We offer you the pod­cast of Clo­tilde Dusou­lier, who in her vaca­tion note­books sug­gests a fun lit­tle exer­cise to high­light our values. That’s all we have to say…
Cahier de vacances nº16, by Clo­tilde Dusoulier .

See you soon !

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We are Lysiane and Romain new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio pre­ma­ri­tal counseling. 
A few years ago, we were exact­ly where you are now. We deci­ded to get mar­ried and set about pre­pa­ring for our big day with great excitement. 
It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing. We wan­ted to to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment and pre­pare our­selves properly. 
That’s how Unio was born : the 100% secu­lar & online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram. Read more »
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