Fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions and all the ans­wers you need !

Unio – FAQ

Unio : the 100% online & secular premarital couseling program

A solid, hap­py couple is some­thing you have to work on. The Unio course is ideal for the couples who want to :

  • Dis­co­ver the strengths of their rela­tion­ship and how to make the most of them.
  • Deve­lop their com­mu­ni­ca­tion and conflict reso­lu­tion skills, enabling them to tackle the most dif­fi­cult situa­tions with res­pect and love.
  • Expe­rience rich moments toge­ther, in the intense and some­times tumul­tuous per­iod of wed­ding pre­pa­ra­tions, to redis­co­ver them­selves and put their love back at the core of their approach.
  • Devote time and ener­gy to mate­ria­li­zing their com­mit­ment as a soon-to-be-mar­ried couple.

In the pri­va­cy of your sweet home, Unio offers you moments of exchange to care for your rela­tion­ship as a couple. After all, the enga­ge­ment per­iod is the best time to reflect toge­ther on deep issues and on your cou­ple’s fun­da­men­tal values !

The course is aimed above all at young couples who have deci­ded to get mar­ried. It accom­pa­nies enga­ged couples on the road to mar­riage. Howe­ver, most of the topics cove­red may be of more gene­ral inter­est to couples who, without neces­sa­ri­ly having deci­ded to get mar­ried, have cho­sen to make a real long-term com­mit­ment. Or also recent­ly mar­ried couples who haven’t neces­sa­ri­ly pre­pa­red for mar­riage and regret it.

Quite sim­ply, it’s a pre­pa­ra­tion for a sus­tai­nable life toge­ther ! This pro­gram is not, howe­ver, a the­ra­py for couples in cri­sis. If this is your case, the­ra­py with a spe­cia­list will be much more appro­priate. Don’t give up !

Why don’t you try the 1st ses­sion rather than laun­ching into the full pro­gram, to see if he·she likes the approach, without any pres­sure ? We’ve desi­gned the pro­gram to appeal to eve­ryone, with run­downs to read, but also to lis­ten to for those less com­for­table with reading.

The first ses­sion is com­mit­ment-free. If you like the pro­gram, you can pay for the rest of the course at a later date.

Visit our store to choose the offer that suits you best. Then enter your two e‑mail addresses, and you’ll imme­dia­te­ly receive a link to create your pass­word. Your two accounts are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly paired.

You can then log in to your per­so­nal space, and access either your trial ses­sion or the com­plete course, depen­ding on the package you’ve chosen.


    We offer two options :
  • Option 1 : You can try out the first ses­sion for $39 and then pur­chase the rest of the pro­gram for $234, for a total of $273.
  • Option 2 : You can pur­chase the entire pro­gram direct­ly at $199, i.e. a -27% dis­count. One ses­sion costs less than $29 ins­tead of $39.

From the storeyou will be redi­rec­ted to the pay­ment page. Pay­ment is made by card direct­ly on the site, via our part­ner STRI­PE’s secure pay­ment sys­tem. We also offer you the pos­si­bi­li­ty of paying in 3 ins­tall­ments, free of charge.

The Unio premarital counseling program

The pro­gram consists of 7 ses­sions, each of which should take around 4 hours to com­plete (2 hours indi­vi­dual­ly and 2 hours together).

  • Each ses­sion consists of a sec­tion of rea­ding and reflec­tion, to be car­ried out sepa­ra­te­ly online. This rea­ding sec­tion is also avai­lable in audio, for those of you who don’t read so well.
  • Then the­re’s time to reflect toge­ther, at home, at your own pace.

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Exact­ly ! Our course is open to all and sui­table for all couples 🙂

Abso­lu­te­ly ! Unio will enable you to take stock of your past, what went wrong and what you’ve lear­ned from it. This jour­ney of reflec­tion will give you a new, solid and thought­ful star­ting point.

It’s up to you. Each ses­sion lasts around 4 hours (2 hours indi­vi­dual­ly and 2 hours together).

You can orga­nize the ses­sions as you wish, but we recom­mend that you do one eve­ry 3 weeks, so that it’s not too dense and you have time to ful­ly immerse your­self in each one without pressure.

At this rate, the pro­gram should take about 5 months.

Each ses­sion consists of four parts :

  • The first part is to be done indi­vi­dual­ly, at your own pace. It begins with short rea­dings or audio on the theme of the ses­sion. Then each of you takes a quizz on the sub­ject (about ten questions).
  • The second part is optio­nal. In this sec­tion, we’ve pro­vi­ded some sug­ges­tions for fur­ther rea­ding on the sub­ject, or pod­casts to lis­ten to… It’s up to you to shop around if you’d like to delve dee­per into a par­ti­cu­lar theme.
  • The third part is for lovers. We’d advise you to set aside an eve­ning (or some other time) just for the two of you, put your phones away and pre­pare some­thing nice for your­self : order in your favo­rite res­tau­rant, put on a play­list you like, open a good bot­tle of wine…
    The aim during these few hours is to dis­cuss your ans­wers to each of the ques­tions you’ve ans­we­red indi­vi­dual­ly, using them as a basis for exchange on these subjects.

    At the end of the ses­sion, you ans­wer ques­tions on one of the pro­files (which will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be sha­red on the second pro­file), and com­plete exer­cises that you can come back to again and again : when pre­pa­ring your cere­mo­ny, later on in moments of joy or difficulty…
  • The last part is again optio­nal. Once again, we’ve pro­vi­ded you with resources to explore the theme in grea­ter depth, as well as ideas for acti­vi­ties to put into prac­tice what you’ve lear­ned during the session !

Once again, it’s up to you. One ses­sion may take lon­ger than ano­ther, depen­ding on whe­ther or not you want to spend time on it. Never­the­less, a com­plete ses­sion lasts 4 hours on average :

  • 2h indi­vi­dual­ly whe­ne­ver you like,
  • 2 hours toge­ther on a roman­tic evening.

Of course, this will vary accor­ding to the impor­tance you attach to each theme, the addi­tio­nal ques­tions rai­sed, and so on.

The 7 themes will be : 
  • your indi­vi­dual his­to­ries and your sha­red history,
  • your com­mit­ment,
  • your com­mu­ni­ca­tion,
  • your sexua­li­ty,
  • your dif­fi­cul­ties,
  • your desire (or not) to start a family,
  • your life plans.
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You’ll have access for life.

With this in mind, we’ve devi­sed a series of debrie­fing ques­tions at the end of each ses­sion. We’re convin­ced that your cur­rent reflec­tions will help you at various miles­tones, dif­fi­cul­ties… in your future life as a couple.

To keep a concrete record of your pre­pa­ra­tion, we’ll send you an e‑book at the end of the course with all your sha­red answers !

Any further questions ?

No stress, just try out the 1st ses­sion before taking the plunge.

Any other questions before you get started ?

Don’t hesi­tate to contact us via the contact form you’ll find here.
Offrez le parcours pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 Profitez de la préparation au mariage Unio à 199€ au lieu de 273€
Et c'est jusqu'au 29/02/24 !
Offrez Unio pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 199€ au lieu de 273€ jusqu'au 29/02/24