Premarital counseling : let’s put your relationship in the spotlight !

Because your wed­ding is more than just a big par­ty or a piece of paper to sign 

➡️ 100% secu­lar, 100% online, 100% fun ! ⬅️


The 100% secu­lar, online and fun pre­ma­ri­tal course !


The secret to a long-lasting, successful marriage ?

👉 Having in-depth dis­cus­sions on the issues that matter. 👈 
And to that end, there’s no need to go to church, open up to a stran­ger, spend hun­dreds, or add extra stress while plan­ning your big day : Unio is here to guide you ! 

What Unio’s newlyweds have to say 

We’ve alrea­dy won over hun­dreds of customers !

Unio premarital counseling :
a 100% secular, 100% online and 100% fun course !

The even greater certainty of making the right choice

Show up col­lec­ted on the big day, having acqui­red easy-to-use rela­tion­ship tools and had all the essen­tial conver­sa­tions for a hap­py mar­riage. And had a great time (re)discovering each other !

An all-in-one program that adapts to you 

100% online and 100% auto­no­mous, so you can real­ly indulge in the inti­ma­cy of your rela­tion­ship whe­ne­ver and whe­re­ver you want ! All in a fun, com­pre­hen­sive and concise for­mat, so you won’t miss a thing in the shor­test pos­sible time ! 

7 essential themes in life for two

From your his­to­ry to com­mu­ni­ca­tion, sexua­li­ty and pro­jects… you’ll leave no stone unturned !

Press coverage of Unio

« Life as a couple is built up over time, but like any beau­ti­ful jour­ney, it needs to be pre­pa­red and requires bag­gage. And as you’ll have gues­sed, Unio has the lug­gage for you. Per­so­nal­ly, I would have loved to have been able to make such an « emo­tio­nal » pre­pa­ra­tion ten years ago, during my wed­ding pre­pa­ra­tions. I think it’s a love­ly idea and it can only streng­then a cou­ple’s bond ! »

Latest articles from the Unio blog

Values in a relationship 

We often hear that values are the glue that holds a couple toge­ther, or at least the cen­tral pillar. But real­ly, what are values ? And is it abso­lu­te­ly neces­sa­ry to have the same values as a couple to be hap­py ? Unio gives you some answers.

Read more » 
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Offrez le parcours pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 Profitez de la préparation au mariage Unio à 199€ au lieu de 273€
Et c'est jusqu'au 29/02/24 !
Offrez Unio pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 199€ au lieu de 273€ jusqu'au 29/02/24