Who are we ?

We’re Lysiane and Romain, new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio : the mar­riage prep for all 

There’s nothing corny about wanting a lifelong marriage

We even believe in it like a rock ! So much that our vision at Unio res­ts on 3 unsha­keable and very, very strong pillars : 
  • ✅ The secret of a long-las­ting, suc­cess­ful mar­riage is to have in-depth dis­cus­sions on the issues that matter.
  • ✅ Enga­ge­ment time is the ideal time to have these fun­da­men­tal discussions.
  • ✅ There is nothing boring about inves­ting in your rela­tion­ship, and having essen­tial dis­cus­sions together.
🔥 And above all :

We think it’s a great shame that only couples get­ting mar­ried reli­gious­ly can bene­fit from affor­dable mar­riage prep.

Well, that was before Unio 😉 

Our history at your service !

Our history at your service !

A few years ago, we were exact­ly in your shoes : during a very long trip (in the middle of COVID, because other­wise it’s no fun 😜), we deci­ded to get married 💍. 
As you can ima­gine, we’ve been exci­ted­ly plan­ning for our big day : loo­king for our dream venue, Pin­te­rest inspirations… 
It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing. Orga­ni­zing a par­ty is great (espe­cial­ly for us par­ty people), but we felt like we were only focu­sing on the « how » and not enough on the « what for ». We wan­ted to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment and pre­pare our­selves properly. 

😴 Until today, options weren’t all that fun

If you too, want to get serious about pre­pa­ring for the com­mit­ment you’re about to make, you’re pro­ba­bly faced with three options : 
Fol­low a
reli­gious pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling program :

In addi­tion to the theo­lo­gi­cal aspect, which is not sui­table for eve­ryone, we feel that it can be dif­fi­cult to confide in a third par­ty or other couples on inti­mate matters.

Create your own « tai­lor-made prep » from books, resources… : 

Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, without gui­dance, it can be dif­fi­cult to stick to the plan, and you may be legi­ti­ma­te­ly afraid of mis­sing out on some impor­tant topics.

Atten­ding pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling sessions

We felt we didn’t need a third par­ty to dis­cuss these topics and were more com­for­table tal­king about inti­mate mat­ters at home, just the two of us. Plus, the cost of those ses­sions was beyond our budget.

👉🏼 So were we ! That is why we crea­ted Unio

🌈 The course we dreamed of : flexible, concise and fun

Préparation laïque au mariage
Préparation laïque au mariage
Préparation laïque au mariage
We know that you’re run­ning out of time, but you also want to give mea­ning to your com­mit­ment and and give your­self eve­ry chance of success for your marriage ! 
That’s why : 

👉🏼 We have sur­roun­ded our­selves with the­ra­pists, lis­te­ned to hun­dreds of hours of pod­casts and read dozens of books about relationships.

👉🏼 Then we syn­the­si­zed all of this into 7 ses­sions to create Unio, the pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram we would have drea­med of at the time of our engagement. 

We’ve desi­gned it to be fun and flexible to let you redis­co­ver each other and show up even more confi­dent on your big day, having spent some great moments together.

🙋🏻‍♂️Pssst ! 1 thing to know about each of us

💁🏻‍♂️ Romain
Before Unio, Romain was clear­ly not a fan of big, deep dis­cus­sions. So we crea­ted a light, fun tool to convince the Romains.
And you know what ? Since Unio, Romain has under­gone a meta­mor­pho­sis and is a dri­ving force in our dis­cus­sions about our life as a couple. Lysiane no lon­ger reco­gnizes him (for the bet­ter 😉 ).
💁🏻‍♀️ Lysiane
On the contra­ry, Lysiane has long been fas­ci­na­ted by psy­cho­lo­gy and how rela­tion­ships work…
So it was a real plea­sure for her to immerse her­self in fif­ty refe­rence books, to meet couple the­ra­pists… and to create Unio !
Offrez le parcours pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 Profitez de la préparation au mariage Unio à 199€ au lieu de 273€
Et c'est jusqu'au 29/02/24 !
Offrez Unio pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 199€ au lieu de 273€ jusqu'au 29/02/24