The Course : preparing for marriage
  • ✅ 100% secular
  • ✅ 100% online
  • ✅ 100% fun

Lay the foun­da­tions for a solid mar­riage without spen­ding hours and thou­sands on it, and without atten­ding church or the­ra­py sessions.

Lay the foun­da­tions for a solid mar­riage without spen­ding hours and thou­sands on it, and without atten­ding church or the­ra­py sessions. 

Would you like to prepare for your marriage in a different way ?

Are you get­ting mar­ried ?

Would you like to give mea­ning to this com­mit­ment by buil­ding a solid foun­da­tion for your marriage ? 

Do you want to make sure you don’t miss out on any fun­da­men­tal issues before saying « YES »?

You don’t find your­self in the reli­gious pre­pa­ra­tions offe­red by the Church 

You don’t want to see a the­ra­pist because you feel more com­for­table dis­cus­sing inti­mate issues just bet­ween the two of you. 

You or your part­ner aren’t par­ti­cu­lar­ly into per­so­nal deve­lop­ment, and you don’t want a theo­re­ti­cal course on abs­tract rela­tio­nal concepts. 

You don’t know where to start and you feel lost among the thou­sands of books, pod­casts… that exist on the sub­ject of relationships. 

You are in this situation

Are you get­ting mar­ried ?

Would you like to give mea­ning to this com­mit­ment by buil­ding a solid foun­da­tion for your marriage ? 

Do you want to make sure you don’t miss out on any fun­da­men­tal issues before saying « YES »?

And yet…

You don’t find your­self in the reli­gious pre­pa­ra­tions offe­red by the Church 

You don’t want to see a the­ra­pist because you feel more com­for­table dis­cus­sing inti­mate issues just bet­ween the two of you. 

You or your part­ner aren’t par­ti­cu­lar­ly into per­so­nal deve­lop­ment, and you don’t want a theo­re­ti­cal course on abs­tract rela­tio­nal concepts. 

You don’t know where to start and you feel lost among the thou­sands of books, pod­casts… that exist on the sub­ject of relationships. 

How do you prepare for the thousands of days to come ?

Orga­ni­zing a great par­ty is time-consu­ming, stress­ful… but acces­sible to eve­ryone ! On the other hand, pre­pa­ring for the thou­sands of days to come after the big day, it’s more challenging… 
  • ➡️ What are the fun­da­men­tal ques­tions to ask ?
  • ➡️ What tools should you acquire to give your­self the best chance of a suc­cess­ful union over time ?
  • ➡️ How can you leave no blind spots before embar­king on a life­time together ?
Not easy to see clearly… 

We’ve been there too !

A few years ago, when we deci­ded to get mar­ried, we threw our­selves with a lot of exci­te­ment into plan­ning our big day : loo­king for our dream venue, Pin­te­rest ins­pi­ra­tions… It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing.

Orga­ni­zing a par­ty is great, but we felt that we were only focu­sing on the « how », and not enough on the « why ». We wan­ted to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment, and pre­pare our­selves properly.

We have tried several solutions :

Religious preparation 

Some aspects were inter­es­ting, but the theo­lo­gi­cal dimen­sion didn’t always speak to us, and above all the for­mat (25 couples, 1 exter­nal spea­ker, full mor­nings on Satur­days…) didn’t seem condu­cive to real in-depth discussions. 

Create a « home-made program » using books, resources… 

Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, without any gui­dance, we didn’t manage to stick to it, and above all we were legi­ti­ma­te­ly afraid of mis­sing out on cer­tain impor­tant sub­jects.

Go to premarital counseling sessions 

We felt like we didn’t need a third per­son to dis­cuss those topics, and we were more com­for­table sha­ring inti­mate sub­jects at home, just bet­ween the two of us. Besides, the price of those ses­sions was too high for us. 

🌈 The pre-marital counseling program you’ve always dreamed of for the best life together !

Nothing real­ly sui­ted us… because, like you, I’m sure, what we were loo­king for through pre­mar­riage prep was to be able to : 
  • ✅ Show up pre­pa­red and col­lec­ted on D‑day, having left no impor­tant sub­ject untouched.
  • ✅ Have a clear vision of « why » we were get­ting mar­ried, and what we wan­ted to build out of this commitment.
  • ✅ Have in hand  concrete tools for a  sus­tai­nable and  ful­filling couple life .
  • ✅ Make our wed­ding more than just a beau­ti­ful cele­bra­tion : a  solid foun­da­tion for years to come.
  • ✅ Look for­ward to sharing  moments of hap­pi­ness together and at the same time be convin­ced that we were equip­ped to face any difficulties.

How are we going to help you do that ?

As we told you ear­lier, we’ve been there, so we’ve come up with the per­fect solu­tion for you to get it all.

An « all-in-one » course, ideal for couples like you who :

want to be gui­ded to have nice in-depth discussions 

don’t feel like going to church, or wish to com­plete their reli­gious pre­pa­ra­tion with a more inti­mate format 

want to pre­pare in a relaxed, fun way, without adding to their men­tal load 

To build this course, we have :

👉🏼 Read, lis­te­ned to, wat­ched… hun­dreds of resources on couple psy­cho­lo­gy. Which we’ve syn­the­si­zed and sor­ted to give you the best avai­lable without spen­ding hours on it. 
👉🏼 Sur­roun­ded our­selves by pro­fes­sio­nals (sexo­lo­gists, couple the­ra­pists) to co-construct our ses­sions and bring you real added value in your life as a couple.

We present the Unio course, organized around 7 sessions

Over the course of 7 ses­sions, you’ll tackle the 7 major themes of life as a couple, lea­ving no stone unturned :

Your indi­vi­dual and sha­red journey
  • ➡️ The ideal oppor­tu­ni­ty to take stock of your expe­rience as an indi­vi­dual and as a couple. This theme covers your per­so­na­li­ty, your values, your fami­ly and emo­tio­nal back­ground, and even the begin­ning of your love story.
Your com­mit­ment
  • ➡️ Get­ting mar­ried is one of the most impor­tant com­mit­ments we make in our adult lives. This theme is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take stock of who you are as a couple, what defines you and what ingre­dients (values, rituals…) you wish to bring to your union.
  • ➡️ Active lis­te­ning, expres­sion of fee­lings, non-violent com­mu­ni­ca­tion : this theme gives you the keys to calm, open com­mu­ni­ca­tion with your part­ner, and enables you to take stock of what’s wor­king and what’s not in your relationship.
Hand­ling difficulties
  • ➡️ Mana­ging day-to-day life, finan­cial pro­blems, get­ting along with in-laws… all couples encoun­ter dif­fi­cul­ties at one time or ano­ther. This theme gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect on how to approach these troubles, and how to grow from them. It also dis­cusses the natu­ral evo­lu­tion of love.
  • ➡️ Without taboos or judg­ments, this theme gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to
    dis­cuss your desires and wishes
    , as well as any obs­tacles, fears or bar­riers. It also covers topics such as contra­cep­tion, the notion of sexual fide­li­ty and varia­tions in sex drive over time and events (pre­gnan­cy, stress, over­work, etc.).
The desire to start a family
  • ➡️ Zero, one, two or three chil­dren ? Time to take stock ! It’s also an oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk about rai­sing chil­dren (if you want any, of course) and the fami­ly values you want to pass on.
Life pro­jects
  • ➡️ Whe­ther pro­fes­sio­nal or per­so­nal, your life pro­jects need to be expres­sed so that you can desi­gn your future toge­ther ! This theme focuses on dai­ly life, but also on your long-term pro­jects. And it’s not just about joint pro­jects : indi­vi­dual pro­jects also have their place in life as a couple !

For each of these themes, our approach is very concrete, with examples of life situa­tions that eve­ry couple experiences.

And in practical terms, how does the course work ? 

tableau de bord Unio sur téléphone

In a sepa­rate tab, you plan the dates of the 7 ses­sions for two (no pres­sure, it’s to give you a fra­me­work, but you can of course change this sche­dule).

Planning Unio sur téléphone

Once you’ve regis­te­red, you’ll each have access to your own per­so­nal space.

You’ll then have pri­vi­le­ged access to your dash­board, in which you’ll find the 7 ses­sions of the course and your per­so­nal pro­gress in it.

Planning Unio sur téléphone

Then it’s off to the ses­sions ! They’re all made the same way : 

Keys to the theme : 

a twen­ty-minute brie­fing, in which we sum­ma­rize eve­ry­thing you need to know about the ses­sion’s theme. It’s avai­lable in rea­ding or audio for­mat, so you can read it slum­ped on the sofa or lis­ten to it while you jog ! 

Individual reflection : 

a reflec­tive quiz to be filled in sepa­ra­te­ly, to get to the heart of the mat­ter. It allows eve­ryone to arrive pre­pa­red for the com­mon part, without being caught off-guard. 

Discussion : 

a time for roman­tic exchanges, after each of you has fini­shed your indi­vi­dual part. For this exchange, we sug­gest an acti­vi­ty based on the theme of each ses­sion (for example, for ses­sion 1, we sug­gest you return to the place where you had your first date). This mee­ting is orga­ni­zed around an inde­pendent but gui­ded dis­cus­sion, based on your ans­wers to the indi­vi­dual parts, and exer­cises to do together. 

Bonus 🎁: 

At the end of each ses­sion, we offer resources for those who wish to explore the theme fur­ther. Pod­casts, rituals, books… the­re’s some­thing for eve­ryone. What they have in com­mon is that we’ve care­ful­ly selec­ted them so that they real­ly add value.

🚀 Our mission

To enable all couples, wha­te­ver their ori­gin, sexua­li­ty, reli­gion, degree of inter­est in per­so­nal deve­lop­ment… to pre­pare calm­ly and easi­ly for the most beau­ti­ful and power­ful com­mit­ment of their lives !

Hel­lo, we’re Lysiane and Romain, new­ly­weds 2022. We foun­ded Unio around 3 convic­tions :
  • ➡️ The secret to a long-las­ting and suc­cess­ful mar­riage is a dee­per exchange about the issues that mat­ter.
  • ➡️ The enga­ge­ment per­iod is the ideal time to have these fun­da­men­tal discussions.
  • ➡️ The­re’s nothing boring about inves­ting in your rela­tion­ship and having essen­tial dis­cus­sions together !

With Unio, we’ve created a course that’s fun, flexible, comprehensive and concise.

👉🏼 We’ve crea­ted an easy-to-use, intui­tive route, so you don’t have to wor­ry about any­thing, just let your­self be car­ried along.

👉🏼 The course is 100% secu­lar and the­re­fore acces­sible to all couples : no dog­mas, archaic theo­ries or defi­ni­tions of what makes a « good couple ». It’s up to you to define what works for you as a couple.

👉🏼 The for­mat is 100% online, so you can do the ses­sions whe­re­ver you want, and at the pace you choose, to suit your sche­dule. You lead a fast-paced life, so the­re’s no need to add to the men­tal load and pres­sure of pre­pa­ring for your commitment !

👉🏼 The pro­gram is com­pre­hen­sive yet concise : you won’t leave any topic out, and you’ll save an incre­dible amount of time com­pa­red to having to search right and left for resources, ideas…
We’ve done the work for you : eve­ry­thing is in one place, and just a few clicks away !

👉🏼 The topics cove­red are very concrete (no big, fog­gy prin­ciples!), but are some­times left out of eve­ry­day life : you’ll (re)discover a lot about each other, no doubt !

👉🏼 You’ll be gui­ded in your dis­cus­sions by an online sup­port sys­tem, but you’ll be on your own the whole way : it’s much more com­for­table to talk about such inti­mate sub­jects just as lovers than in the pre­sence of a third party ! 

⚠️ STOOOP ⚠️ Here’s a little exercise for you !

Ins­truc­tions :

  • ➡️ Take 30 seconds
  • ➡️ Close your eyes and ima­gine the day you’ve been wai­ting for

Ima­gine your­self on the big day, not only confi­dent that you’ve orga­ni­zed a won­der­ful par­ty, but empo­we­red by :

  • ✅ A bet­ter unders­tan­ding of your­self and your partner
  • ✅ The cer­tain­ty that you want to spend the rest of your life together
  • ✅ The convic­tion of having built a solid foun­da­tion before saying yes for life

🎉 Streng­the­ned by all these cer­tain­ties, the « yes » you are about to say will only be more beau­ti­ful 🎉

Join over 200 couples who have already embarked on the adventure !

Unio is not for you if :

  • ⛔️ You’re get­ting mar­ried for the sake of a big par­ty, with no real value behind it.
  • ⛔️ You believe you know eve­ry­thing about your +1.
  • ⛔️ You think that if you love each other, eve­ry­thing will run smooth­ly.
  • ⛔️ You are expe­rien­cing major dif­fi­cul­ties in your rela­tion­ship (in this case, we recom­mend you contact a couple the­ra­pist).

But Unio is for you if : 

  • ✅ You know that the­re’s still a lot to dis­co­ver about your lover ; that you’ll never get the full pic­ture.
  • ✅ You don’t take enough time in your day-to-day life to talk to your part­ner about issues of sub­stance, and you think that’s a shame.
  • ✅ You want to give your com­mit­ment a real mea­ning.
  • ✅ You want to give your­self the best chance of a long-term hap­py marriage.
🔥 BONUS : If, on top of all that, you like to spend moments of real connec­tion toge­ther (which is rather rare in the stress­ful per­iod of plan­ning the big day), then this course is real­ly made for you !

If you’ve got more ✅ than ⛔, go below to get star­ted on the Unio adventure.

🔥 Session 1 trial before the big jump

✅ Access to ses­sion 1 on the theme : « Buil­ding on your indi­vi­dual and sha­red histories ».
✅ Ses­sion 1 at $39 with no com­mit­ment to continue 
    ✅ Approxi­ma­te­ly 4h of content :
  • 2 run­downs to read or lis­ten to
  • 2 indi­vi­dual reflec­tion quizzes
  • 1 gui­ded dis­cus­sion for 2
  • Addi­tio­nal resources

💡 And if you want to continue afterwards ?

  • The rest of the course at $234 ($39/​session)
  • Imme­diate access to 7 ses­sions
  • The ans­wers of your ses­sion 1 auto­ma­ti­cal­ly saved

🚀 100% complete Unio course

✅ 7 ses­sions on  7 major life for two themes
✅ The com­plete course at $273 (i.e. $39 x 7 sessions)
✅ Pay 3x$91 free of charge for 3 months 
✅ Life­time access 
    ✅ Approxi­ma­te­ly 28h of content :
  • 15 run­downs to read or lis­ten to
  • 15 indi­vi­dual reflec­tion quizzes
  • 7 gui­ded dis­cus­sions for 2
  • Addi­tio­nal resources for each session

🎁 Bonus : your souvenir e‑book

All your ans­wers com­pi­led in a pret­ty sou­ve­nir book­let deli­ve­red straight to your inbox. 

(or 3x$66 free of charge)

Spe­cial offer ! 

💰 -$74 NOW, or 27% off
Last days ! Hur­ry up, time is run­ning out ⏳

💰 -$74 NOW, or 27% off. Last days ! Hur­ry up, time is run­ning out ⏳ 

You get to decide whether to prepare or not

You can :

Decide to hold just one big par­ty, at the risk of lea­ving fun­da­men­tal themes out of the equa­tion and star­ting your wed­ding on a sha­ky foundation.

🔥 Give your­self eve­ry chance of making your won­der­ful D‑day the start of many years of rich, nou­ri­shing love.

Unio premarital counseling : they talk about the course

Do you still have questions ?

👉🏼 « I don’t real­ly know what I’m going to find »

As is often the case, the best way to get an idea is to try it out ! If you’re not sure whe­ther the course is right for you, we sug­gest you try out the first ses­sion of the pro­gram at just $39.
Sim­ply sign up with your part­ner and try it out ! You’ll have unli­mi­ted access to your trial ses­sion, to dis­co­ver our plat­form and our approach.

👉🏼 « How can you legi­ti­ma­te­ly give advice ? »

After hun­dreds of hours spent buil­ding the Unio course, couple psy­cho­the­ra­pist Mar­gel­li­na Ker­joant revie­wed and vali­da­ted all our content.

In her words, « If eve­ry couple took Unio’s mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion course, I’d be out of business ! »

👉🏼 « My part­ner is not a fan of per­so­nal development »

We unders­tand you only too well. I want you to know that in our rela­tion­ship, this is also the case. Romain has never been a fan of per­so­nal deve­lop­ment. And that’s the strength of our route. Pre­pa­ring for mar­riage doesn’t have to be boring.

The theo­ry isn’t too long, the tone is light and the whole thing is in a play­ful for­mat, so that the pro­gram speaks to eve­ryone, and remains acces­sible even to the most down-to-earth among us.

👉🏼 « We don’t have the time with wed­ding planning »

We have deli­be­ra­te­ly crea­ted a syn­the­tic pro­gram. With Unio, you can be assu­red that you won’t be lea­ving out any impor­tant topics, and that you’ll receive qua­li­ty content that’s been care­ful­ly selec­ted and sum­ma­ri­zed to ensure that only the most essen­tial and use­ful infor­ma­tion is left for your couple. 

👉🏼 « The pro­gram is expensive »

Unio is only $199 payable in 3 ins­tall­ments ($66,33 x3 times) for more than twen­ty hours of qua­li­ty content.

By way of com­pa­ri­son, Unio repre­sents 0.6% of the ave­rage wed­ding bud­get in the US in 2023, and the cost of Unio is also less than the ave­rage cost of 2 guests at your wedding.

Not expen­sive for a good life toge­ther, is it?!

👉🏼 « We alrea­dy talk about everything »

Bear in mind that you’ll never know the other per­son 100% – and that’s the beau­ty of mar­ried life, isn’t it ?

Céline and Dja­mal com­ple­ted the Unio course in Sep­tem­ber 2022, and even though they too talk about eve­ry­thing (espe­cial­ly after 11 years toge­ther), they have redis­co­ve­red each other. Their tes­ti­mo­nials are in  our Google reviews .

👉🏼 « My part­ner doesn’t like to read or write »

One of you doesn’t like to read ? Each of the 7 ses­sions is also avai­lable as a pod­cast, so you can lis­ten to the ses­sions in the car, on the sub­way, or while jogging.

Does any of you dis­like wri­ting ? At Unio, the­re’s no paper book­let to fill in by hand. 100% of the ses­sions can be com­ple­ted online, inclu­ding the quizzes we ask you to fill in. You can ans­wer them direct­ly from your phone or com­pu­ter using your key­board or the dic­ta­phone function. 

👉🏼 « We alrea­dy have chil­dren. Is ses­sion 6 on « star­ting a fami­ly » made for us ?» 

Of course ! Whe­ther or not you want chil­dren, or alrea­dy have them, it’s impor­tant to be able to take stock of the fami­ly you want to create, or the one you’ve alrea­dy star­ted to build together.

We’ve crea­ted dif­ferent ver­sions of ses­sion 6, so you can choose the one that suits you best. Once again, we’ve taken care of eve­ry­thing, so all you have to do is let us guide you.

👉🏼 « Our wed­ding is in a few weeks, is it too late to start now ? »

Not at all ! When you start your Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling course, you’ll have access to around twen­ty hours of content. If you’re not in a hur­ry, we recom­mend that you start 7 months before your big day, to give your­self enough time to car­ry out 1 ses­sion a month.
Unio is 100% flexible and adapts to your couple and your requi­re­ments. That’s why we have couples who com­plete the pro­gram in 1 month, others in 3 months and others in much lon­ger. It’s never too late to take care of your relationship ! 
Offrez le parcours pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 Profitez de la préparation au mariage Unio à 199€ au lieu de 273€
Et c'est jusqu'au 29/02/24 !
Offrez Unio pour la saint Valentin 💘
👉 199€ au lieu de 273€ jusqu'au 29/02/24