General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use (GTC/​UGU) – revised 09/​12/​2023

1. About us

The « Unio Pré­pa­ra­tion E.I. » com­pa­ny (SIREN n°989 847 520) is loca­ted at 24, rue Mon­tes­quieu, 42100 Saint-Étienne. Mrs. Lysiane Bar­riol, self-employed entre­pre­neur regis­te­red with the SAINT ETIENNE trade and com­pa­nies regis­ter under SIRET num­ber 898 847 520 00019 (herei­naf­ter the « Com­pa­ny »). All requests must be sent by e‑mail to the fol­lo­wing address :

2. Accep­tance of the GTC/​GTC

By acces­sing the Com­pa­ny’s web­site, (herei­naf­ter refer­red to as the « Site »), by down­loa­ding, using or regis­te­ring with any of the ele­ments contai­ned the­rein, the pro­fes­sio­nal or consu­mer (herei­naf­ter refer­red to as the « Cus­to­mer ») express­ly accepts these GCS/​CGU, which he ack­now­ledges and declares to have read and unders­tood. In addi­tion, pla­cing an order (herei­naf­ter the « Order ») also implies accep­tance of the GTC/​GTC. The cus­to­mer declares that he is aware of them and waives the right to invoke any other docu­ment, in par­ti­cu­lar his own gene­ral terms and condi­tions of pur­chase. The Consu­mer ack­now­ledges having been infor­med of the infor­ma­tion and details pro­vi­ded for in Articles L.111 – 1 to L.111 – 7 of the French Consu­mer Code, and in particular : 
  • the essen­tial cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the product ;
  • the price of the Products ;
  • the date or dead­line by which the Com­pa­ny under­takes to pro­vide the Service ;
  • infor­ma­tion about the Com­pa­ny’s iden­ti­ty (pos­tal address, tele­phone num­ber, e‑mail address);
  • Infor­ma­tion on legal and contrac­tual war­ran­ties and how to make use of them ;
  • the pos­si­bi­li­ty of resor­ting to conven­tio­nal media­tion in the event of a dispute ;
  • infor­ma­tion on the right of with­dra­wal (dead­line, how to exercise).

3. Object

The Com­pa­ny mar­kets the fol­lo­wing pro­duct to its Cus­to­mers via its Inter­net Site : Lay Wed­ding Pre­pa­ra­tion Pro­gram (herei­naf­ter the « Pro­duct »). The CGV/​CGU des­cri­bed below detail the rights and obli­ga­tions of the Com­pa­ny and the Cus­to­mer in connec­tion with the sale of the Pro­duct. They apply to all sales conclu­ded by the Com­pa­ny and pre­vail over any contra­dic­to­ry docu­ment. They are sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly com­mu­ni­ca­ted to cus­to­mers on request. The Com­pa­ny reserves the right to modi­fy all or part of these GCS at any time. In the event of sub­sequent modi­fi­ca­tion, the Cus­to­mer is sub­ject to the ver­sion in force at the time of his Order. 

4. Regis­tra­tion

Regis­tra­tion on the Site is open to any indi­vi­dual or legal enti­ty of legal age and with full legal capa­ci­ty.
The use of the Site is sub­ject to the Cus­to­mer’s regis­tra­tion.
To regis­ter, the Cus­to­mer must fill in all the man­da­to­ry fields ; other­wise the regis­tra­tion will not be vali­da­ted.
The Cus­to­mer gua­ran­tees and declares on their honour that all the infor­ma­tion com­mu­ni­ca­ted on the Site, in par­ti­cu­lar at the time of their regis­tra­tion, is accu­rate, sin­cere and true.
All regis­te­red cus­to­mers have a login and pass­word. The lat­ter are strict­ly per­so­nal and confi­den­tial and may not be com­mu­ni­ca­ted to third par­ties under penal­ty of dele­tion of the account of the offen­ding Regis­te­red User. Each regis­te­red cus­to­mer is per­so­nal­ly res­pon­sible for main­tai­ning the confi­den­tia­li­ty of his/​her login and pass­word. Under no cir­cum­stances will the Com­pa­ny be held res­pon­sible for the usur­pa­tion of a Cus­to­mer’s iden­ti­ty. If a Cus­to­mer sus­pects fraud at any time, he/​she must contact the Com­pa­ny as soon as pos­sible, so that the lat­ter can take the neces­sa­ry mea­sures and regu­la­rize the situa­tion.
Each Cus­to­mer, whe­ther a legal enti­ty or an indi­vi­dual, may only hold one account on the Site.
In the event of non-com­pliance with the GCS/​GU, in par­ti­cu­lar the crea­tion of seve­ral accounts for a single per­son or the pro­vi­sion of false infor­ma­tion, the Com­pa­ny reserves the right to tem­po­ra­ri­ly or per­ma­nent­ly delete all accounts crea­ted by the offen­ding Cus­to­mer.
Dele­tion of the account entails the per­ma­nent loss of all bene­fits and ser­vices acqui­red on the Site. Howe­ver, any Orders pla­ced and invoi­ced by the Site prior to account dele­tion will be pro­ces­sed under nor­mal condi­tions.
In the event of dele­tion of an account by the Com­pa­ny for breach of the duties and obli­ga­tions set out in the GTC/​GTC, the offen­ding Cus­to­mer is for­mal­ly pro­hi­bi­ted from re-regis­te­ring on the Site direct­ly, via ano­ther e‑mail address or through an inter­me­dia­ry without the express autho­ri­za­tion of the Company.

5. Controls

To place an order, the Cus­to­mer adds the Pro­duct to his vir­tual bas­ket. He then accesses the sum­ma­ry of his vir­tual bas­ket in order to confirm the Pro­duct he wishes to order and com­plete his Order by pres­sing the « Confirm Order » but­ton. The Cus­to­mer regis­ters fol­lo­wing the pro­ce­dure des­cri­bed above, and under­takes to cor­rect­ly enter his/​her sur­name, first name, e‑mail address, first name and e‑mail address of his/​her part­ner, as well as a valid method of pay­ment in order to fina­lize the Order. Com­ple­tion of the Order implies accep­tance of the prices of the Pro­duct sold, as well as the terms and condi­tions. Once the Order has been pla­ced, the Com­pa­ny will confirm the Order and its pay­ment by sen­ding a confir­ma­tion e‑mail. This confir­ma­tion will recall the details of the Order as well as rele­vant connec­tion infor­ma­tion. The pla­cing of an Order consti­tutes the conclu­sion of a dis­tance sel­ling contract bet­ween the Com­pa­ny and the Cus­to­mer. For any change to an order (billing address or order content), the Cus­to­mer must contact the Com­pa­ny by e‑mail no later than 1 day after pla­cing the order. 

6. Pro­ducts and prices

The Pro­ducts cove­red by the GCS/​UGS are those which appear on the Site and which are sold and ship­ped direct­ly by the Com­pa­ny. The Pro­ducts are des­cri­bed on the cor­res­pon­ding page of the Site and all their essen­tial cha­rac­te­ris­tics are men­tio­ned. Sales are sub­ject to avai­la­bi­li­ty. The lat­ter can­not be held res­pon­sible for stock shor­tages or the impos­si­bi­li­ty of sel­ling a Pro­duct that is not in stock. When a regis­te­red User wishes to pur­chase a Pro­duct sold by the Com­pa­ny through the Site, the price indi­ca­ted on the Pro­duct page cor­res­ponds to the price in euros, all taxes inclu­ded (VAT), exclu­ding ship­ping costs and taking into account appli­cable dis­counts in force on the day of the Order. The VAT inclu­ded is the French VAT appli­cable on the day of the Order. If the VAT rate is modi­fied, these changes may be reflec­ted in the price of the items without the Cus­to­mer being infor­med in advance. Howe­ver, prices can­not be chan­ged once the order has been confir­med. Under no cir­cum­stances may a User demand the appli­ca­tion of dis­counts that are no lon­ger in effect on the date of the Order. 

7. Pay­ment by cre­dit card, VISA, MASTERCARD

Orders can be paid for by cre­dit card, VISA or MASTERCARD online from the Site, using Stri­pe’s secure pay­ment sys­tem. Pay­ment by cre­dit card is vali­da­ted imme­dia­te­ly. To be regis­te­red, the order must be paid in full. Unpaid orders can­not be processed. 

8. Pay­ment in ins­tal­ments using Klar­na’s pay­ment system

In order to offer you Klar­na’s pay­ment options, we may need to send Klar­na your per­so­nal data, inclu­ding your contact details and the details of your order, so that Klar­na can assess whe­ther you qua­li­fy for them and tai­lor them to your needs. Your per­so­nal data will be pro­ces­sed in accor­dance with Klar­na’s pri­va­cy poli­cy.

9. With­dra­wal period

In accor­dance with cur­rent legis­la­tion, the Cus­to­mer has a per­iod of 14 days from receipt of the Pro­duct to exer­cise his/​her right of with­dra­wal from the Com­pa­ny, without having to jus­ti­fy his/​her rea­sons or pay any penal­ties, for the pur­pose of exchange (sub­ject to avai­la­bi­li­ty) or reim­bur­se­ment. If this per­iod expires on a Satur­day, Sun­day or public holi­day, it is exten­ded until the next wor­king day. The Com­pa­ny under­takes to ack­now­ledge receipt of any request to exer­cise the right of with­dra­wal.
By accep­ting the gene­ral terms and condi­tions of sale and use, the Cus­to­mer uncon­di­tio­nal­ly waives his right to with­draw from the Com­pa­ny in order to begin using the Pro­duct as soon as Pay­ment has been accepted. 

10. Pro­duct refund

Pro­ducts pur­cha­sed by the Cus­to­mer may not be the sub­ject of a request for reim­bur­se­ment and no reim­bur­se­ment may be made by the Company.

11. Pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data

Regis­tra­tion on the Site entails the pro­ces­sing of the Cus­to­mer’s per­so­nal data. If the Cus­to­mer refuses the pro­ces­sing of his/​her data, he/​she is asked to refrain from using the Site. This pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data is done in com­pliance with the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion 2016/​679 of April 27, 2016. Fur­ther­more, in accor­dance with the French Data Pro­tec­tion Act of Janua­ry 6, 1978, cus­to­mers have the right to que­ry, access, rec­ti­fy, modi­fy and object to all their per­so­nal data at any time by wri­ting to the fol­lo­wing address, pro­vi­ding proof of iden­ti­ty : This per­so­nal data is requi­red to pro­cess the Cus­to­mer’s Order and, where appli­cable, to issue invoices, as well as to improve the Site’s functionalities. 

12. Sha­ring col­lec­ted data

The Site may use third-par­ty com­pa­nies to per­form cer­tain ope­ra­tions. By brow­sing the Site, the Cus­to­mer accepts that third-par­ty com­pa­nies may have access to his/​her data in order to ensure the pro­per ope­ra­tion of the Site. These third-par­ty com­pa­nies only have access to the data col­lec­ted in order to car­ry out a spe­ci­fic task. The Site remains res­pon­sible for pro­ces­sing this data. In addi­tion, the Cus­to­mer may receive infor­ma­tion or com­mer­cial offers from the Com­pa­ny or its part­ners. The cus­to­mer may at any time object to recei­ving such com­mer­cial offers by wri­ting to the Com­pa­ny’s address given above, or by cli­cking on the link pro­vi­ded for this pur­pose in the e‑mails recei­ved. In addi­tion, cus­to­mer infor­ma­tion may be pas­sed on to third par­ties without the cus­to­mer’s express prior consent for the fol­lo­wing purposes : 
  • res­pect the law
  • pro­tect people from serious inju­ry or death
  • com­bat fraud or attacks on the Com­pa­ny or its users pro­tect the Com­pa­ny’s pro­per­ty rights.

13. Cookies

To enable its Users to bene­fit from opti­mal brow­sing on the Site and impro­ved ope­ra­tion of the various inter­faces and appli­ca­tions, the Com­pa­ny may place a cookie on the Cus­to­mer’s com­pu­ter. This cookie is used to store infor­ma­tion rela­ting to brow­sing on the Site, as well as any data ente­red by the Cus­to­mer (in par­ti­cu­lar searches, login, email, pass­word). The Cus­to­mer express­ly autho­rizes the Com­pa­ny to place a « cookie » file on the user’s hard disk. Cus­to­mers can block, modi­fy the reten­tion per­iod, or delete this cookie via their brow­ser inter­face. If the sys­te­ma­tic deac­ti­va­tion of cookies on the Cus­to­mer’s brow­ser pre­vents him/​her from using cer­tain ser­vices or func­tio­na­li­ties of the Site, this mal­func­tion shall in no way consti­tute damage for the mem­ber, who shall not be entit­led to claim any com­pen­sa­tion as a result. 

14. Lia­bi­li­ty

The Com­pa­ny can­not under any cir­cum­stances be held res­pon­sible for the una­vai­la­bi­li­ty, whe­ther tem­po­ra­ry or per­ma­nent, of the Web­site, and although it makes eve­ry effort to ensure that the ser­vice is always avai­lable, it may be inter­rup­ted at any time. In addi­tion, the Com­pa­ny reserves the right, by volun­ta­ry action, to make the Site una­vai­lable in order to car­ry out any upda­ting, impro­ve­ment or main­te­nance ope­ra­tion. As pre­vious­ly men­tio­ned herein, the Com­pa­ny shall in no event be liable for delays in deli­ve­ry due to causes beyond its control, beyond its control, unfo­re­seeable and irre­sis­tible or for which it can­not be held responsible. 

15. Intel­lec­tual property

All ele­ments of the Site are tra­de­marks regis­te­red with the INPI and intel­lec­tual works pro­tec­ted by copy­right, the pro­per­ty of which belongs exclu­si­ve­ly to the Com­pa­ny. Any dis­se­mi­na­tion, exploi­ta­tion, repre­sen­ta­tion or repro­duc­tion, whe­ther par­tial or com­plete, without the express autho­ri­za­tion of the Com­pa­ny will expose the offen­der to civil and cri­mi­nal prosecution.

16. Force Majeure

Nei­ther the Com­pa­ny nor the Cus­to­mer shall be held liable for any fai­lure to per­form, non-per­for­mance or delay in the per­for­mance of any of its obli­ga­tions as des­cri­bed in these G.S.C. due to force majeure. Force majeure is defi­ned as any exter­nal, unfo­re­seeable and irre­sis­tible event within the mea­ning of article 1148 of the French Civil Code. The fol­lo­wing are express­ly consi­de­red as cases of force majeure or for­tui­tous events, in addi­tion to those gene­ral­ly accep­ted by the juris­pru­dence of French courts and tri­bu­nals : total or par­tial strikes, mana­ge­ment strikes, riots, civil unrest, insur­rec­tions, wars, bad wea­ther, epi­de­mics, blo­ckages of means of trans­port or sup­ply for any rea­son what­soe­ver, ear­th­quakes, fires, storms, floods, water damage, govern­men­tal or legal res­tric­tions, legal or regu­la­to­ry changes to forms of mar­ke­ting, com­pu­ter break­downs, blo­ckages in tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions, inclu­ding tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions net­works, any ques­tio­ning of the mathe­ma­ti­cal foun­da­tions gover­ning the theo­ry of cryp­to­gra­phic algo­rithms used for public key infra­struc­tures, and any other event beyond the control of the Par­ties pre­ven­ting nor­mal per­for­mance of the contract. 

17. Appli­cable Law

The present GTC/​GTC are gover­ned exclu­si­ve­ly by French law. Any dis­pute that may arise bet­ween the Com­pa­ny and the Cus­to­mer during the per­for­mance of the present contract will be sub­ject to an attempt at ami­cable reso­lu­tion. Fai­ling this, dis­putes will be refer­red to the Saint-Étienne Com­mer­cial Court.

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