All you need to know about premarital counseling course in 10 questions

[com­plete guidebook]
Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram : you’ve heard about it from friends who’ve alrea­dy got mar­ried, but you don’t real­ly know what it’s all about ? You have many ques­tions on the sub­ject : is it com­pul­so­ry ? Who is it for ? When should it be done ? Do we auto­ma­ti­cal­ly have to take a pre­mar­riage course ? etc. 

To help you make sense of it all, we’ve put toge­ther all the ans­wers to the most com­mon ques­tions in the same article.

At the end of the article, we’ll give you the chance to get straight to work with a gentle exer­cise for your loved ones.

Table of contents 

1 – What is premarital counseling program ?

Let’s start with a simple defi­ni­tion : pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram is a series of ses­sions, more or less gui­ded, where couples-to-be are encou­ra­ged to reflect on and dis­cuss all the fun­da­men­tal ques­tions sur­roun­ding mar­ried life and com­mit­ment.

    To put it sim­ply, there are two ways of pre­pa­ring for a marriage/​wedding :
  • ➡️ Orga­ni­zing the big dayYou choose your wed­ding venue, draw up the guest list, ima­gine your cere­mo­ny… This is the logis­ti­cal part. In fact, we’ve put toge­ther an article on the 3 main stages of wed­ding plan­ning to help you do just that.
  • ➡️ Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling This is the per­fect way to pre­pare your couple for the thou­sands of days that fol­low the wed­ding day. It’s a more psy­cho­lo­gi­cal, rela­tio­nal part.

The aim ? Com­mit to each other by lea­ving no grey areas in your rela­tion­ship, by get­ting to know each other bet­ter and by sha­ring a com­mon vision of what you want to do with this commitment.

2 – Who is premarriage counseling for ?

His­to­ri­cal­ly, only couples get­ting mar­ried reli­gious­ly could bene­fit from pre­mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion. This was very frus­tra­ting for all the other couples : you can indeed have strong values asso­cia­ted with mar­riage and com­mit­ment without asso­cia­ting a theo­lo­gi­cal or spi­ri­tual dimension. 

Today, thanks to the advent of secu­lar pre­mar­riage prep, pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram is open to all future mar­ried couples, wha­te­ver their ori­gin, reli­gion or sexual orien­ta­tion

    The only requi­re­ments for pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling ? Wish to mar­ry and :
  • Willing to give real mea­ning to your mar­riage, beyond orga­ni­zing a beau­ti­ful party
  • Want to devote qua­li­ty time to your relationship
  • Be genui­ne­ly curious about your part­ner and know that the­re’s still a lot to dis­co­ver about each other, even after years of living together.
  • Want to give your­self the best chance of a long-term hap­py marriage

3 – Why prepare for marriage ?

Because depres­sing divorce sta­tis­tics are not inevi­table : love can be learned ! Life as a couple is built up over time, of course, but like any beau­ti­ful jour­ney, it has to be pre­pa­red for, and that requires baggage. 

It can seem as if you’ve had enough of each other after x years toge­ther… Big mistake !


The time for reflec­tion pro­vi­ded by pre­mar­riage courses is the best invest­ment a couple can make, because nothing streng­thens a couple more than in-depth dis­cus­sion of the issues that matter.

The engagement period is the ideal time

    The enga­ge­ment per­iod is the ideal time to :
  • Take time out from the dai­ly grind to reflect toge­ther on the dee­per issues sur­roun­ding your life as a couple, and ask your­self the right questions.
  • Tackle themes that aren’t always easy to grasp, in a calm, caring environment.
  • ✅ Expe­rience rich moments toge­ther, in the intense and some­times tumul­tuous per­iod of wed­ding pre­pa­ra­tions, to redis­co­ver your­self and put love back at the heart of your approach.
  • ✅ We also say things to each other that we don’t neces­sa­ri­ly say on a dai­ly basis… It’s time to take our heads off the handlebars !
  • ✅ Mate­ria­lize the impor­tance of mar­riage and its values for eve­ryone. Com­mit­ment in the noblest sense of the word.

Studies prove it

Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling, whe­ther secu­lar or reli­gious, is alrea­dy wides­pread in Anglo-Saxon coun­tries, where it’s known as a « pre-mari­tal work­shop ».

    These are the fin­dings of a stu­dy conduc­ted across the Atlan­tic :
  • 👉🏼 Couples who fol­low a pre­ma­ri­tal course are hap­pier in their mar­riage than others.
  • 👉🏼 They are also less like­ly to sepa­rate or divorce.
  • 👉🏼 Pre­mar­riage course is not the­ra­py. But it does open up conver­sa­tions that might never have taken place.
  • 👉🏼 It enhances friend­ship, clo­se­ness and inti­ma­cy.
  • 👉🏼 It creates a non-judg­men­tal, non-threa­te­ning space where eve­ryone feels com­for­table and safe.

Source : Stan­ley, Scott & Ama­to, Paul & John­son, Chris­tine & Mark­man, Howard. (2006). Pre­ma­ri­tal edu­ca­tion, mari­tal qua­li­ty, and mari­tal sta­bi­li­ty : Fin­dings from a large, ran­dom hou­se­hold sur­vey. Jour­nal of fami­ly psy­cho­lo­gy : JFP : jour­nal of the Divi­sion of Fami­ly Psy­cho­lo­gy of the Ame­ri­can Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Asso­cia­tion (Divi­sion 43). 20. 117 – 26. 10.1037/0893 – 3200.20.1.117.

💡 We devote an entire article on why to fol­low a pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram here :

4 – What are the different types of premarriage prep ?

    There are two main types of pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling :
  • Reli­gious prep, which take dif­ferent forms depen­ding on the reli­gion. They are aimed at belie­ving, hete­ro­sexual couples. Howe­ver, they don’t only deal with reli­gious themes : they often alter­nate exchanges on secu­lar topics (com­mu­ni­ca­tion, the lan­guages of love… com­pa­tible with a Chris­tian life) and moments of more theo­lo­gi­cal reflec­tion, with, for example, rea­dings of pas­sages from the Bible for Catho­lic mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tions and times of prayer. Spe­ci­fic attri­butes of Chris­tian mar­riage, such as the indis­so­lu­bi­li­ty of mar­riage, are discussed.
  • Pre­ma­ri­tal courses, which take a 100% atheist approach to the themes sur­roun­ding mar­ried life. They are open to all couples, inclu­ding mixed, LGBTQ+ and remar­ried couples. These couples may have cho­sen to have a reli­gious wed­ding (with a reli­gious cele­bra­tion) or a civil wed­ding (with or without a secu­lar ceremony).

What do these two types of preparation have in common ?

  • Their aim : to encou­rage future spouses to reflect on and dis­cuss the major issues of mar­ried life and commitment.
  • The main themes : com­mu­ni­ca­tion, star­ting a family…

The differences ?

  • The angle of attack on cer­tain sub­jects : reli­gious or secu­lar. For example, while secu­lar mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion focuses on sexua­li­ty, Catho­lic pre­pa­ra­tion focuses on fer­ti­li­ty, with all the chur­ch’s biases on the subject.
  • The for­mat : we’ll come back to this in the next sec­tion, but reli­gious pre­pa­ra­tions often offer a face-to-face for­mat, whe­reas the for­mat of secu­lar pre­ma­ri­tal courses is gene­ral­ly more flexible.

5 – What does premarital counseling actually involve ?

    For­mats may vary from one type of course to ano­ther (see next sec­tion), but in gene­ral they all include the fol­lo­wing ele­ments :
  • 🎓 Lear­ning moments : on a spe­ci­fic sub­ject, the orga­ni­zer, the­ra­pist, crea­tor of the course… will deli­ver a lit­tle topo to the future bride and groom. In a reli­gious pre­pa­ra­tion, it will be colo­red by reli­gious values, while in a secu­lar pre­pa­ra­tion it will be the fruit of research into psy­cho­lo­gy, sexuality…
  • 💬 Time for reflec­tion and dis­cus­sion in pairs : after this ini­tial lear­ning phase, couples will be led in one way or ano­ther (via quizzes, exer­cises, gui­ded dis­cus­sions) to dis­cuss the sub­ject in ques­tion in pairs.

6 – What is the format of a premarriage course ?

There are a num­ber of dif­ferent pre­mar­riage preps for­mats to suit the dif­ferent needs and life­styles of future bri­dal couples.

Here are three main ones :

The face-to-face format

This is the for­mat often favo­red by reli­gious pre­pa­ra­tions : usual­ly seve­ral ses­sions (bet­ween 5 and 7 eve­nings or wee­kend days) spread over seve­ral months. They often bring toge­ther seve­ral couples at the same time, and are led by a priest or older couples from the parish. This can some­times also take the form of wee­kend retreats.

👉🏼 What are the advan­tages of this for­mat ? The chance to meet other couples + the obli­ga­tion to stick to it, as appoint­ments are made.

👉🏼 The draw­backs ? The lack of flexi­bi­li­ty (you’re expec­ted at such and such a date and time and that’s it 😉 ) and the lack of pri­va­cy to have some deep dis­cus­sions together.

Remote format with visios

Some the­ra­pists offer long-dis­tance ses­sions to help couples dis­cuss the main themes of pre­ma­ri­tal courses.

The 100% autonomous online distance format

Some pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­grams, such as Unio Pre­pa­ra­tionhave opted for a flexible 100% online for­mat, to be com­ple­ted in the pri­va­cy of the couple.

👉🏼 The concept : each mem­ber of the couple has access to an online space with, for each major theme/​session, a guide to read or lis­ten to, a gui­ded dis­cus­sion for two and addi­tio­nal resources (pod­casts, books…).

In this way, the couple find them­selves in their own lit­tle cocoon, and are much more at ease to talk about inti­mate sub­jects : no third par­ties, limi­ted dis­cus­sion time… And they can car­ry out their pre­pa­ra­tion ses­sions whe­ne­ver and whe­re­ver they like.
We tell you all about all the bene­fits of online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­grams in our dedi­ca­ted article. 
Préparation laïque au mariage
Préparation au mariage laïque Unio

7 – What topics are covered during premarital counseling ?

The themes cove­red during your pre­pa­ra­tion may vary from one course to ano­ther, but what they have in com­mon is that they cover a wide range of sub­jects that are essen­tial for defi­ning a sha­red life pro­ject before marriage.

At Unio Pre­pa­ra­tion, after syn­the­si­zing hun­dreds of resources on the couple and exchan­ging with pro­fes­sio­nals in the couple rela­tion­ship, we deci­ded to deal with seven :

Your individual and shared journey :

The ideal oppor­tu­ni­ty to unders­tand your pro­file as an indi­vi­dual and your pro­file as a couple. This theme covers your per­so­na­li­ty, values, expec­ta­tions, fami­ly and emo­tio­nal background.

Commitment :

Get­ting mar­ried is one of the most impor­tant com­mit­ments we make in our adult lives. This theme is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take stock of who you are as a couple, what defines you and what your values are, and to find your indi­vi­dual and sha­red ans­wer to « why get mar­ried ».

Communication :

Active lis­te­ning, expres­sing fee­lings, non-violent com­mu­ni­ca­tion : this theme gives you the keys to calm, open com­mu­ni­ca­tion with your part­ner.

Challenges :

Conflict reso­lu­tion, finan­cial pro­blems, get­ting along with in-laws, unem­ploy­ment : all couples encoun­ter dif­fi­cul­ties at one time or ano­ther. This theme will help you think about how to tackle and over­come these concerns. He also dis­cusses the natu­ral evo­lu­tion of love.

Sexuality :

Without taboos or judg­ments, this theme addresses your lon­ging and desire, to help you keep the flame and pas­sion that drive you alive. It also addresses the obs­tacles, fears and blo­cking fac­tors that need to be over­come, as well as the varia­tions in libi­do over time and in res­ponse to events (pre­gnan­cy, stress, over­work, etc.).

The desire to start a family :

Zero, one, two or three chil­dren ? Time to take stock ! It’s also an oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk aboutrai­sing chil­dren (if you want any, of course) and the fami­ly values you want to pass on.

Life projects :

Whe­ther pro­fes­sio­nal, fami­ly or inti­mate, your life pro­jects need to be expres­sed so that we can desi­gn your future toge­ther ! This theme focuses on dai­ly life, but also on your long-term pro­jects.

8 – Are premarriage courses compulsory ?

    Again, this depends on the type of pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling you choose.
  • Reli­gious ones are usual­ly com­pul­so­ry. For example, in the Catho­lic Church, a couple can’t get mar­ried in a church without taking a pre­mar­riage prep.
  • Secu­lar pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling courses are in no way com­pul­so­ry : each couple is free to decide whe­ther or not to take this step.

9 – How long does premarital counseling program take ?

The dura­tion of pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling courses varies accor­ding to the type of pre­pa­ra­tion cho­sen. In gene­ral, howe­ver, pre­mar­riage coun­se­ling courses are spread over seve­ral months : usual­ly bet­ween 5 and 10 months.

This means we don’t over-condense the dis­cus­sions, and we can real­ly take our time on each theme that needs to be explo­red in grea­ter depth. This also helps to avoid over­loa­ding an alrea­dy busy per­iod of life with the orga­ni­za­tion of the big day.

We the­re­fore recom­mend that you start loo­king into the sub­ject ideal­ly 10 months before the date of your ceremony.

10 – How much does premarital counseling program cost ?

Pre­mar­riage course always has a cost, which again varies accor­ding to the solu­tion chosen.

  • For reli­gious ones, there is no « list price », but a par­ti­ci­pa­tion fee is char­ged (and an amount is often sug­ges­ted). We recom­mend you contact your local parish for fur­ther information.
  • Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­grams vary in price, usual­ly bet­ween $200 and $600 per couple. At Unio Pre­pa­ra­tion, the 7 ses­sions are avai­lable for $199 per couple (with life­time access). You can also try the first ses­sion for just $39 to allow couples to see if the course is right for them at a low price. At first glance, this may seem like a lot, but on the scale of wed­ding plan­ning it’s not much, and yet so essential.

11 – Bonus : can we prepare on our own ?

Of course ! You can go and read books on the sub­ject of couples, think about the topics you want to dis­cuss together…

    However : 
  • It can be tedious : there are thou­sands of resources on the couple, of varying qua­li­ty. It’s easy to get lost.
    The pre­mar­ri­tal courses have done this sor­ting and syn­the­si­zing work to save time for future wed­ding couples.
  • You can miss out on real­ly impor­tant sub­jects, sim­ply because you didn’t think to tackle them.
  • It’s har­der to stick to it : as with sport, without a pro­gram or coa­ching, you tend to do the first ses­sion and then give up. It’s a real shame.

12 – Playtime : a little exercise to do with your partner to start preparing for your commitment.

Before lea­ving you, we wan­ted to sug­gest a lit­tle exer­cise to start you off in a mode of exchange and reflec­tion around mar­riage and commitment.

  1. Each of you can think of a couple (real or fic­tio­nal) that ins­pires you, and that repre­sents a suc­cess­ful mar­riage for you.
  2. Think indi­vi­dual­ly about why : what are the ingre­dients for their union ?
  3. Bring your favo­rite drinks, turn off the cell phones and have a chat about the subject.


We hope we’ve ans­we­red all your ques­tions about the concept of pre­mar­riage prep. If you still have ques­tions, please let us know in the com­ments sec­tion 👇🏼 and we’ll be hap­py to ans­wer them.

See you soon on Unio !

Other articles about premarital counseling :

Lysiane & Romain

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