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Values in a relationship 

We often hear that values are the glue that holds a couple toge­ther, or at least the cen­tral pillar. But real­ly, what are values ? And is it abso­lu­te­ly neces­sa­ry to have the same values as a couple to be hap­py ? Unio gives you some answers.

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Lovers AND parents : mission impossible ? 

« baby clash » : the cri­sis in a cou­ple’s rela­tion­ship that goes hand in hand with the arri­val of a child. What does it real­ly mean ? What are the causes, and how can you make the most of your baby’s arrival ?

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False beliefs about couples 

We all have beliefs about love and rela­tion­ships : these are the fil­ters through which we view our love life. Where do these beliefs come from, and how can we free our­selves from them if necessary ?

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Active listening 

When we think of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, we often think first of conveying a mes­sage. But we often for­get the second part : recei­ving this mes­sage ; listening.

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Offrez Unio pour la saint Valentin 💘
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