50 essential questions to ask as a couple before getting married

The 50 essen­tial ques­tions to ask as a couple before get­ting mar­ried.
Have you just asked for the hand of the love of your life, or accep­ted his pro­po­sal ? Congra­tu­la­tions 🎉 ! It’s time to have a nice chat about the essen­tial ques­tions to ask your­self as a couple before get­ting married.
While fee­lings of love are pro­ba­bly the pri­ma­ry dri­ving force behind your deci­sion, it’s no less true that other ingre­dients are nee­ded to build a hap­py, las­ting, ful­filling and balan­ced marriage.
That’s why in-depth dis­cus­sions on sub­jects such as com­mit­ment, sexua­li­ty, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, sha­red pro­jects, values… are essen­tial before your wed­ding, whe­ther it’s a civil or a reli­gious marriage. 
Yet most mar­ried-to-be couples make a big mis­take ❌.
When their enga­ge­ment is announ­ced, they throw them­selves head­long into orga­ni­zing their big day : fin­ding the best ser­vice pro­vi­ders, choo­sing the desi­gner for the wed­ding dress or suit, visi­ting recep­tion venues, sen­ding out invi­ta­tions, buying wed­ding rings and bou­quets… It’s all very exci­ting, and so it should be.
The pro­blem ? It arises when these couples focus sole­ly on orga­ni­zing their big day, but don’t spend any time dis­cus­sing the essen­tial ques­tions they need to ask them­selves before get­ting mar­ried.

💡 Taking time out for the two of you to talk about the issues that real­ly mat­ter during the enga­ge­ment per­iod is what’s com­mon­ly known as fol­lo­wing a « pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram ». Are you unfa­mi­liar with this concept ? We explain eve­ry­thing in our article10 essen­tial points about pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling.

You don’t want to make that mis­take ? For you, the wed­ding com­mit­ment goes far beyond a big par­ty or cere­mo­ny ? It’s a real com­mit­ment, which can only work if the right foun­da­tions are laid ?
To get you star­ted, this article gives you 50 ques­tions to ask each other before you say « I do », or sim­ply when you’re thin­king of get­ting married. 

Table of contents 

Love and marriage

  1. What are the 3 values you hold most dear as a couple (fide­li­ty, mutual sup­port, complicity…)?
  2. What are your expec­ta­tions of your rela­tion­ship ? Have they been satisfied ?
  3. Is mar­riage just a logi­cal step for you, or will there be a before and after ?
  4. What is your defi­ni­tion of a suc­cess­ful wedding ?
  5. Which fic­tio­nal or real-life couple is a role model for you and your fiancé ?
  6. What do you see as the grea­test threats and dan­gers to a mar­riage over time ?
  7. Why did you choose mar­riage rather than ano­ther form of union (com­mon-law…)?
    To help you ans­wer this ques­tion, which may seem com­pli­ca­ted at first, we sug­gest you read our article on good and bad rea­sons to get married

The family

  1. Do you want children ? 
  2. If so, how much ? 
  3. Do you have any fears asso­cia­ted with star­ting a family ?
  4. Do you share the same edu­ca­tio­nal values ?
  5. What place do you want your exten­ded fami­lies to have in the fami­ly you’re building ? 
  6. What tra­di­tions and rituals from your res­pec­tive fami­lies would you like to per­pe­tuate in your future family ? 

Your personalities and heritage

  1. Which of your per­so­na­li­ties are hard to match ? What have you put in place to live well with it ?
  2. Which of your per­so­na­li­ties com­ple­ment each other ? In what situa­tions has this com­ple­men­ta­ri­ty been use­ful to you or could it be use­ful to you in the future ?
  3. What pat­terns, func­tions or values inhe­ri­ted from your res­pec­tive fami­lies would you like to pre­serve in your future life together ?
  4. What pat­terns or values inhe­ri­ted from your res­pec­tive fami­lies do you want to exclude from your future life together ? 

Your shared history 

  1. Why did you choose each other at the start of your story ? 
  2. What was it about get­ting to know each other over time that convin­ced you that you were meant to build a las­ting sto­ry toge­ther, beyond a roman­tic adventure ?
  3. What were the miles­tones in your love story ?
  4. What trials have you alrea­dy been through ? What have you learned ? 

Communication and conflict management 

  1. What are your res­pec­tive love languages ?
  2. Are your com­mu­ni­ca­tion methods heal­thy ? How could you improve them ?
  3. Do you feel each other is listening ?
  4. What are your most recur­ring areas of conflict ?
  5. What pat­terns emerge most often from your conflicts ?
  6. Can you calm­ly return to your conflicts to repair the bond that has been damaged ?
  7. Do you still have unre­sol­ved grudges against each other ?
couple assis heureux proches

Sexual intimacy

  1. What is your defi­ni­tion of sexual fidelity ? 
  2. Do you feel free to talk about your sexua­li­ty (obs­tacles, fan­ta­sies, desires…)?
  3. Do you share the same libi­do level ? If not, how do you manage this difference ? 
  4. Is the method of contra­cep­tion you are cur­rent­ly using sui­table for both of you ?
  5. Beyond sexua­li­ty, what role does ten­der­ness and phy­si­cal touch play in your rela­tion­ship ? Does that suit you both ? 

Daily life

  1. Is the balance of time spent toge­ther and apart right for you ?
  2. Are you hap­py with the way the hou­se­hold is run and the divi­sion of chores bet­ween you ? 
  3. How do you plan to manage your finances (joint account, sha­red account, both?)? Or have you alrea­dy adopted ? 
  4. If you have opted for a joint account, how do you plan to fund it ? À 50/​50 ? In pro­por­tion to each per­son’s income ? 
  5. Do you share the same phi­lo­so­phy about money, or is this sub­ject a source of conflict in your rela­tion­ship ? This ques­tion will be very use­ful in deter­mi­ning the type of mar­riage contract you wish to draw up.
  6. Are you on the same wave­length in your pro­fes­sio­nal careers ? 

The fun

  1. How do you feel about each other’s hob­bies and passions ?
  2. Do you leave enough room for laugh­ter, games and adven­ture in your life together ? 
  3. As future spouses, what acti­vi­ties make you feel vibrant and alive together ? 

The entourage

  1. Do you enjoy each other’s company ? 
  2. Are you ali­gned with the time you want to devote to your friendships ?
  3. Do you have the same vision of an « open fire­place » ? Do you have to ask per­mis­sion before invi­ting someone to your home ?

Life with a capital « V »

  1. Would you like to include a spi­ri­tual prac­tice in your life as a couple ? If so, which one ?
  2. Does reli­gion play a role in your lives, and in your life toge­ther ? If so, which one ? 
  3. What’s your big­gest joint pro­ject in 1 year ? 5 years ? 10 years ?
  4. Do you feel sup­por­ted by each other in your indi­vi­dual projects ? 
  5. What are your 3 big­gest indi­vi­dual dreams ? What adjust­ments to mar­ried life do they require ?


These 50 ques­tions to ask your­self before get­ting mar­ried are a great start to pre­pa­ring your couple for the com­mit­ment of marriage.

But they’re just the begin­ning. If you’d like to go fur­ther, per­haps you’d like to find out if pre­mar­tial coun­se­ling pro­gram is right for you. To find out more, visit our article on eve­ry­thing you need to know about pre­ma­riage coun­se­ling in 10 ques­tions. These pro­grams are a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­pare for your mar­riage with gui­dance, lea­ving no sub­stan­tive issues untou­ched. A suc­cess­ful wed­ding isn’t just about a beau­ti­ful cere­mo­ny ! In the mid­st of your wed­ding plan­ning, these pre­pa­ra­tions allow you to refo­cus on what’s most impor­tant : your relationship. 
💡 Inter­es­ted in the pro­cess, but still not sure it’s right for you ? The first ses­sion of the Unio secu­lar wed­ding pre­pa­ra­tion course is only $39.
We hope that these 50 ques­tions to ask your­self before get­ting mar­ried have given you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share your love life ! 

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➡️ Who we are
We are Lysiane and Romain new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio pre­ma­ri­tal counseling. 
A few years ago, we were exact­ly where you are now. We deci­ded to get mar­ried and set about pre­pa­ring for our big day with great excitement. 
It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing. We wan­ted to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment and pre­pare our­selves properly. 
That’s how Unio was born : the 100% secu­lar & online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram. Read more »
➡️ Pre­pa­ring for mar­riage with Unio :
To lay the foun­da­tions for a solid mar­riage without spen­ding hours on it, and without going to church. 
Our pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling program :
  • ✅ 100% secular
  • ✅ 100% online
  • ✅ 100% fun
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