How to put Toltec Agreements into pratice ?

You’ve pro­ba­bly heard of the per­so­nal deve­lop­ment best­sel­ler « The Tol­tec Agree­ments ». If you haven’t read it yet, we’ve done it for you 😊. This concise book was writ­ten by Miguel Ruiz. 

He makes the fol­lo­wing obser­va­tion : since child­hood, we have been entan­gled in limi­ting beliefs that have been pro­po­sed to us by socie­ty. As chil­dren, we were unable to sort things out, and inter­na­li­zed the injunc­tions we recei­ved. Over time, we came to believe that they ema­na­ted from us, and that they were THE truth.

What Miguel Ruiz pro­poses in this book is to become aware of them, break with those that are not use­ful to us, and decide to form new « agree­ments ».

mariées sur la plage bunker
The « agree­ments » pro­po­sed in the book take the form of 4 major life prin­ciples :
  • impec­cable speech,
  • never takeitper­so­nal­ly,
  • don’t make assumptions,
  • and always do your best.
These agree­ments can be applied to all areas of life, but here we’ve deci­ded to think about how they can be applied to mar­ried life. 

Toltec agreement number 1 : Let your word be impeccable

In Miguel Ruiz’s book, this agree­ment means not having any nega­tive words about our­selves or others. This includes « exter­nal » speech, but also inter­nal speech, i.e. thoughts and inner dialogue.

Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, we have always been condi­tio­ned to slan­der, cri­ti­cize, judge…and nega­tive words can have a « nega­tive » impact.poi­so­nous«A child who is told that he or she is a poor rea­der will take this to be true, and will not give him­self or her­self any chance of beco­ming a good rea­der, regard­less of his or her real abi­li­ties. An impec­cable speech contri­butes to a less violent world.

    In a rela­tion­ship, it’s easy enough to unders­tand how trans­pose this agree­ment :
  • in our exchanges with others, it’s impor­tant to avoid insults and criticism…
  • when we talk about our spouse too : if you tend to point out what he/​she does wrong, you’re hel­ping to tar­nish his/​her image. It’s time to change that !

Of course, nobo­dy’s per­fect : in an argu­ment, anger can get the bet­ter of you, and harsh words can be exchan­ged. In this case, it is very impor­tant to 
to come back to the dispute
to apo­lo­gize.

A concrete example of how to apply this agreement : you can  use non-violent communication . Thus, « you haven’t clea­red the table, you only think of your­self » becomes « when you don’t clear the table, I don’t feel res­pec­ted, because I need to know that I’m not the only one taking care of our house. Could you please be more care­ful in the future ?»

And voi­la, magic : your speech is impec­cable, and the mes­sage is recei­ved much more effectively.

Nega­tive self-talk in a rela­tion­ship is one of the 
10 rela­tion­ship ene­mies to avoid

mariés glamour

Toltec agreement number 2 : Don’t take it personally

In Miguel Ruiz’s book, this agree­ment consists in making others res­pon­sible for their actions.

« What you think, what you feel, is your pro­blem, not mine. It’s the way you see the world. It doesn’t affect me per­so­nal­ly, because you’re only dea­ling with your­selves, not with me. Others will have a dif­ferent opi­nion, depen­ding on their belief sys­tem.». It’s the same in a couple : our emo­tio­nal and affec­tive lives are inter­de­pendent, but each mem­ber of the couple must be res­pon­sible for his or her own beha­vior, emo­tions

    So when your spouse comes home from work in a bad mood and bare­ly speaks to you, you have two options :
  • Brace your­self, tel­ling you that he doesn’t love you enough, that you’ve done some­thing wrong…
  • Or take a step back, and extract your­self from the situa­tion. His atti­tude is his busi­ness, and has nothing to do with you. He’ll be back once he’s dealt with his emotions.

A concrete example of how to apply this agree­ment : change pers­pec­tive. For example, when you feel your part­ner is spen­ding too much time with his or her friends. Rather than saying to your­self, « He’s run­ning away from home and my com­pa­ny », take the time to dis­cuss it with him or her. Chances are his beha­vior has nothing to do with you, but with his own need for open­ness and independence…

Toltec agreement number 3 : Don’t make assumptions

In Miguel Ruiz’s book, this agree­ment means not making « guesses« about what other people think, what makes them act… In our opi­nion, this is the most impor­tant agree­ment for the couple. Indeed, many people in couples :
  • Think they know eve­ry­thing, wron­gly, about their part­ner’s way of thin­king and functioning
  • Think their spouse thinks the same way they do
  • Keep the fan­ta­sy of the couple where each guesses, without com­mu­ni­ca­tion, what the other needs, wants…

These three beha­viors are harm­ful. With all the inti­ma­cy in the world, the other per­son remains an inde­pendent per­son, with his or her own his­to­ry, psy­cho­lo­gy… So the­re’s only one solu­tion : rather than making assump­tions, com­mu­ni­cate !

A concrete example of how to apply this agreement : If your  love lan­guage is that of gifts, don’t assume that your part­ner will guess it and give you a huge sur­prise for your bir­th­day. Be proac­tive and clear­ly express your need/​want : « I’d like you to orga­nize a spe­cial moment for the two of us, for my bir­th­day ». He or she will pro­ba­bly be hap­py to do it, but wouldn’t neces­sa­ri­ly have thought of it on their own if this love lan­guage wasn’t theirs ! 
sortie des mariés turban

Toltec agreement number 4 : Always do your best

One last word for the road : in Miguel Ruiz’s book, this agree­ment means always doing your best ; not wai­ting for the per­fect situa­tion before taking action.

    In the couple, this agree­ment is inter­es­ting in our opi­nion for seve­ral rea­sons :
  • There are a lot of injunc­tions around the couple : have a top libi­do, great com­pli­ci­ty, few argu­ments… and this can be dis­cou­ra­ging, or stress­ful. Here, doing your best won’t mean aiming for unat­tai­nable stan­dards, but ensu­ring that the couple is a place of peace and growth for both of them, by imple­men­ting lots of lit­tle actions on a dai­ly basis.
  • A couple has its ups and downs. In the « low­lands », this agree­ment is impor­tant, because to have com­mit­ted one­self to a las­ting rela­tion­ship is to com­mit one­self to doingone’s« best » to pre­serve the cou­ple’s space. And if at a given moment you don’t feel capable of taking big steps, taking a tiny step (a word of atten­tion, a « par­don»…) is alrea­dy doing your best !

A concrete example of how to apply this agreement :
After an argu­ment, eve­ryone went too far in their com­ments. In this situa­tion, rather than locking your­self behind bar­ri­cades, « doing your best » means taking res­pon­si­bi­li­ty, and trying to make amends, by apo­lo­gi­zing for example.
In short, it means accep­ting that your rela­tion­ship isn’t « per­fect », but taking small steps eve­ry day to get clo­ser to a beau­ti­ful har­mo­ny.

sortie des mariés fumigènes

So, are you ready to put these 4 agreements into practice ?

For star­ters, why not dedi­cate a day of the week to each chord ?

Pho­to cre­dits : Natha­lie de chez 
Brune pho­to­gra­phie
which you can find on her website 

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