Your relationship : an asset for turning your plans into reality

How do you achieve your goals as a couple ? Have you ever heard phrases like « the couple is the end of free­dom »?
The ans­wer is pro­ba­bly yes : this limi­ting belief is dee­ply roo­ted in the col­lec­tive imagination. 

Well, at Unio, we believe it’s just the oppo­site : for us, the couple is a won­der­ful place of growth for each indi­vi­dual and for the whole family. 
enri­ching your life as a couple with mea­ning­ful projects
is one of the best ways to have a suc­cess­ful life together !

3 choses à savoir pour réaliser ses projets quand on est en couple - 2
Table of contents 

0 – How my relationship has helped me achieve my goals

Let’s take my example (Lysiane, co-foun­der of the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram): before I met Romain, I was in a com­for­table per­ma­nent job, which sui­ted me in many ways. I lear­ned a lot, made some great friends… and yet, deep down, I wan­ted some­thing else, espe­cial­ly tra­vel and entrepreneurship. 
But I didn’t have the cou­rage to take the plunge : I felt alone, without a safe­ty net. 

Since I met Romain, it’s been very dif­ferent : I know the­re’s someone on my side to sup­port me, and if one of my pro­jects fails I’ll always have some­thing (my couple) and someone (Romain) won­der­ful in my life to lean on to bounce back.

3 choses à savoir pour réaliser ses projets quand on est en couple - 1

⬆️ « That, for example, I wouldn’t have done on my own. »

So that doesn’t mean that being single means you can’t try things, of course not. But in my life expe­rience, I’ve noti­ced that my rela­tion­ship is a great spring­board for fol­lo­wing my dreams : in my case, going on a 14-month round-the-world trip or set­ting up my own crea­tive arts boutique.

1 – Why are individual projects so important when you’re a couple ?

Indi­vi­dual pro­jects are essen­tial to a balan­ced rela­tion­ship for seve­ral reasons :

👉🏼 Individual projects help you avoid too much merging

Eve­ryone can take a brea­ther, rather than being constant­ly « on top of each other ».
While our socie­ty still gene­ral­ly values the model of the « fusio­nal » couple, and this works in the ini­tial « honey­moon » phase, it is not viable in the long-las­ting « real couple », as it creates a risk of suffocation.
➡️ It’s up to you to find your own balance bet­ween what the­ra­pists Carolle and Serge Vidal-Graf call « ins­pi­ra­tion-fusion » and « expi­ra­tion-sepa­ra­tion » (in their book Couple rêve couple réel : de l’é­tat amou­reux à l’a­mour). Just as you need two brea­thing cycles to live, a couple needs a suc­ces­sion of moments of fusion and separation. 

👉🏼 Individual projects let you keep your individuality

They allow eve­ryone to retain their indi­vi­dua­li­ty, deve­lo­ping their own goals, pas­sions, inter­ests.… Remem­ber that at the start of your rela­tion­ship, it was pro­ba­bly the other per­son’s uni­que­ness and dif­fe­rence that attrac­ted you.

👉🏼 Individual projects enrich your relationship

They enrich the rela­tion­ship : when each per­son expe­riences things sepa­ra­te­ly, they come back to the other with things to tell, fee­lings to share, infor­ma­tion to share…
A cer­tain need for dis­tance, far from mea­ning that love dimi­nishes, feeds love (each returns to the other after a moment apart with things to talk about, impres­sions to share…).

« Indi­vi­dual pro­jects are essen­tial. They prevent us from fal­ling into the trap of fusion at all costs, with all its sti­fling super­fi­cia­li­ty. They are a kind of breath of fresh air for each spouse, even if there are times when it’s bet­ter to car­ry them out than others ».

Caro­line Kruse, mar­riage and fami­ly counselor

3 choses à savoir pour réaliser ses projets quand on est en couple - 3

2 – How can the couple be the driving force behind your individual projects ? 

As tee­na­gers, you pro­ba­bly had big dreams : to tra­vel, start a fami­ly, star in a film… Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, as they grow up, many people tend to lose sight of them, for a varie­ty of rea­sons : they’ve been told that other paths are more sen­sible (right­ly or wron­gly, depen­ding on their point of view), they’ve been afraid to fail, they’ve for­got­ten… or they’ve sim­ply cho­sen the easy way out. 
Yet one of the most beau­ti­ful func­tions of a couple, far from limi­ting you, is to enable you to recon­nect with who you were before you for­got your dreams. The other sees in you the trea­sure, the abi­li­ties, the talents… that per­haps you no lon­ger see ! Per­so­nal deve­lop­ment is the key to a ful­filling relationship. 

« Ama­zing things can hap­pen in a rela­tion­ship when each mem­ber of the couple is able to change and grow, and at the same time accom­mo­date (and be sup­por­tive of) the other’s per­so­nal development. »

John and Julie Gott­man, Eight lovers » rendezvous

    The aim is not to call eve­ry­thing into ques­tion, but to take a clo­ser look at your aspi­ra­tions :
  • Do you have any dreams you’ve put aside ? Why ?
  • Does the life you lead today, or the one you’re hea­ding towards, real­ly cor­res­pond to your dee­pest aspi­ra­tions ? For example, is this career to which you devote your­self day and night your true aspi­ra­tion, or does it reflect your parents » desire for upward mobility ?

Lucki­ly, now you’re not alone in contem­pla­ting your dreams.

3 choses à savoir pour réaliser ses projets quand on est en couple - 3

3 – How to avoid drowning individual projects in the couple ?

Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, life can mean that our tee­nage dreams get lost in the day-to-day, but also in the cou­ple’s or fami­ly’s sha­red pro­jects : buil­ding a house toge­ther takes pre­ce­dence over our desire to learn Chinese.

    It is impor­tant to take the time to dis­cuss this sub­ject with both of you :
  • take stock of your joint pro­jects, of course,
  • but also on your indi­vi­dual aspi­ra­tions, which are also very important.

👉🏼 In practice :

The aim is to write them down in black and white, and to reflect toge­ther on the adap­ta­tions nee­ded in the couple to sup­port this dream, if of course you think it’s worth pursuing.

    If, for example, one of them wants to go back to school, here are the ques­tions that might arise :
  • What finan­cial adjust­ments are needed ?
  • How will this affect your qua­li­ty time toge­ther ? How can we com­pen­sate in some way ?
  • Is it the right time ? Or would it be more coherent in two years » time ?

👉🏼 Recap :

All these ques­tions are neces­sa­ry in order to move from a vague idea to a pro­ject with an action plan, in which both mem­bers of the couple feel inves­ted, one as a player and the other as a sup­por­ter.

If you’d like to go fur­ther on this sub­ject, that’s exact­ly what we sug­gest you do in ses­sion 7 of the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling course.

🔥 And you, what’s your dream that’s been put aside for too long ? 🔥

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➡️ Who we are
We are Lysiane and Romain new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio pre­ma­ri­tal counseling. 
A few years ago, we were exact­ly where you are now. We deci­ded to get mar­ried and set about pre­pa­ring for our big day with great excitement. 
It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing. We wan­ted to to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment and pre­pare our­selves properly. 
That’s how Unio was born : the 100% secu­lar & online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram. Read more »
➡️ Pre­pa­ring for mar­riage with Unio :
For lay the foun­da­tions for a solid mar­riage without spen­ding hours on it, and without going to church. 
Our pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling program :
  • ✅ 100% secular
  • ✅ 100% online
  • ✅ 100% fun
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