Why get married : the top 6 good (and not so good) reasons

Why get married ?
This may seem like a stu­pid ques­tion, but the ans­wer is obvious : « because I love her ». OK, but it’s a lit­tle light…
Today, there are many « models » for couples : reli­gious sacrament, civil or secu­lar cere­mo­ny…
And yet, if you’re here, you’ve pro­ba­bly cho­sen the ins­ti­tu­tion of mar­riage. So why this choice ? 
Fol­lo­wing a course of pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­lingis the best way to get to the heart of the matter.
But in this article, we’ll help you to see things a lit­tle more clear­ly, by hel­ping you to dis­tin­guish bet­ween the more super­fi­cial rea­sons (which are by no means to be dis­car­ded!) and the dee­per ones that you can rely on in your future life together. 
Love is pro­ba­bly the pri­ma­ry dri­ving force behind the choice you’ve just made in com­plete free­dom, and that’s great ! But (spoi­ler alert 🚨) that’s not enough to com­mit to mar­riage, which requires hard work and an immense will, far beyond the fee­ling of love : as Bis­marck points out, « I’m not mar­rying you because I love you, but to love you. ».
So it’s a good idea to think care­ful­ly about the com­mit­ment you’re about to make, before you say yes. Get­ting mar­ried is much more than signing a piece of paper or going through the admi­nis­tra­tive process.
From the time you met until now, you’ve pro­ba­bly alrea­dy made com­mit­ments to each other (being in an exclu­sive rela­tion­ship, maybe moving in toge­ther…).
So why this new com­mit­ment ? Why get mar­ried now ? What does it mean to you ? Is this sim­ply a logi­cal sequence, or do you envi­sage a « before » and an « after «?

Take the time to think about it toge­ther before the wed­ding – it’ll be invaluable ! 

pourquoi se marier ?

Table of contents 

1 – The wrong reasons to get married

You’ve just made one of the most impor­tant, or at least the cra­ziest, deci­sions of your life : whe­ther to share the rest of your life with your lover, by pro­po­sing or accepting.

You’ve star­ted plan­ning and making choices :
  • What type of wed­ding cere­mo­ny are you plan­ning for your dream day : reli­gious, civil or secular ? 
  • Choo­sing your wed­ding dress and suit 
  • Deci­ding where to receive
But beyond the orga­ni­za­tion of your D‑day, which we hope will be magi­cal, have you asked your­self the ques­tion that all future spouses should ask them­selves first ? why the deci­sion to mar­ry ? The divorce rate in the US would pro­ba­bly be lower if all couples took the time to real­ly ask them­selves this question…
In fact, this ques­tion is one of the 50 ques­tions to ask your­self before get­ting mar­ried.
While there are almost as many good rea­sons as there are future brides and grooms (such as the desire to build a fami­ly with the per­son you’ve cho­sen, making the choice to always sup­port each other…), we can agree on the « bad rea­sons ».
Yvan Cas­ta­nou (in Buil­ding a hap­py and las­ting mar­riage), which we don’t recom­mend rea­ding as it is very reli­gion-orien­ted and « old school » in our opi­nion, but from which we can never­the­less retain cer­tain points) details seven of them : 
  • ❌ Prove to our­selves that we’re not a fai­lure, or wash away an affront expe­rien­ced in a past relationship. 
  • ❌ Don’t stay alone.
  • ❌ Esca­ping dif­fi­cult living condi­tions for one of the spouses.
  • ❌ Recei­ving love and fee­ling appre­cia­ted (although that’s a big bonus of mar­riage, we’ll grant you).
  • ❌ Being able to be hap­py and ful­filled (same as above ; this is a big plus of mar­riage but you don’t have to wait for it to be hap­py). It’s bet­ter to learn to be hap­py with your­self first. 
  • ❌ For looks and gen­der only.
  • ❌ For fear of remai­ning single for a long time and not having children. 
Let’s add a few of our own :
  • ❌ by social conven­tion,
  • ❌ to have just one big par­ty,
  • ❌ to please the other (under pres­sure, that is),
  • ❌ to breathe new life into a fai­ling relationship
  • ❌ to control the other (by « put­ting the rope around his neck »)

If you don’t reco­gnize your­self in any of these rea­sons, that’s a good start in your mar­ried life !

2 – Why get married : good reasons to say yes 

On the other hand, there are thou­sands of « good » rea­sons to get mar­ried ! You’re pro­ba­bly thin­king of the classics : 
  • cele­brate his love,
  • ✅ for­ma­lize the rela­tion­ship with a beau­ti­ful wedding,
  • ✅ pledge fidelity
  • ✅ share his hap­pi­ness with his loved ones,
  • ✅ res­pect a cer­tain tradition,
  • ✅ bear the same name…

They are cer­tain­ly rele­vant, but here we pro­pose to explore other less obvious and pro­ba­bly slight­ly dee­per reasons.

What they all have in com­mon, and what we are convin­ced of, is that mar­riage is not just about loving, but about choo­sing to love.
Fee­lings alone don’t make for a hap­py mar­riage (or only for a while, which a prio­ri isn’t your goal if divorce isn’t in your plans). Love is often redu­ced to an emo­tion or a fee­ling, but if it’s defi­ned like that it won’t be enough to build a solid story. 

➡️ Choo­sing to take this path toge­ther and get mar­ried can be done for dif­ferent reasons :

To say yes to build together

To for­ma­lize the crea­tion of a new enti­ty, a new home bet­ween the enga­ged couple.

It is essen­tial at this stage to think about the ingre­dients you want to put into this new enti­ty :
  • Values
  • Rituals
  • Life pro­jects

This is one of the 5 rea­sons to pre­pare for mar­riage : give mea­ning to your com­mit­ment and be clear about your mutual expectations.

Buil­ding is to form a team and to share a dai­ly life, but also aspi­ra­tions, objec­tives… and mar­riage is a superb way of sym­bo­li­zing this.

Marrying to commit to accepting your spouse as he or she is

And not as we’d like them to be. 

Never to consi­der that we » ve « done it all », but on the contra­ry, to always try to learn more, to dis­co­ver new facets.
It also means sup­por­ting him or her through the changes (your part­ner won’t be the same in 5, 10, 15… years), and being genui­ne­ly curious about the jour­ney he or she is on. 

Why get married ? To commit to working on your love, taking care of it every day 

To make it grow and not let it fade.

This is sum­med up by Tim Kel­ler in The Mea­ning of Mar­riage : « Our socie­ty believes that fee­lings of love are the dri­ving force behind loving actions. This may of course be true. But it is even truer to say that loving actions lead inexo­ra­bly to loving feelings. »

The key word is » connec­tion »: the octo­ge­na­rian couples who make us dream are those who have mana­ged to nur­ture this connec­tion. Make a pro­mise to your­self to always make your rela­tion­ship a priority. 

Saying yes to a commitment not to give up at the first sign of trouble

Even if it seems hard to ima­gine for a young couple still on their cloud nine, you’re bound to meet some, and your strength will be in remin­ding your­self of your com­mit­ment, and why. 
It also means that you com­mit to inves­ting your­self without sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly wai­ting for your part­ner to do it (the­re’s bound to come a time when the other per­son won’t be 100% on board), and to always taking your share of responsibility. 
Accor­ding to Jacob Aze­roual in Couple : keys to suc­cess, « all couples go through dif­fi­cult times. More than the serious­ness of the pro­blem, it’s the moti­va­tion of the part­ners to want to rebuild, which makes a couple pro­blem dif­fi­cult to solve or not ».

At last, com­mit­ted spouses don’t spend their time tel­ling each other that the grass is gree­ner elsew­here, threa­te­ning to leave, but take charge of their own lawn !

Commitment to making the couple a place of security and growth for both members 

By pled­ging to create and main­tain a caring, uncon­di­tio­nal­ly sup­por­tive envi­ron­ment, where eve­ryone can deve­lop indi­vi­dual­ly, pur­sue their dreams, and feel much stron­ger than if they were on their own.
This means crea­ting an atmos­phere of trust : eve­ryone can be them­selves and express their fee­lings in com­plete confidence. 

3 – A little exercise to help you answer the question « Why get married ? 

Before you leave, here’s a lit­tle exer­cise to help you both think about the mea­ning you want to give to your rela­tion­ship and marriage.

➡️ Which of the fol­lo­wing ten defi­ni­tions of love speaks most to you, and which speaks least to you ?
  • « Spon­ta­neous affec­tive move­ment to meet a need,» Michelle Lari­vey, Que­bec psychologist.
  • « Fran­ces­co Albe­ro­ni, Ita­lian socio­lo­gist : « Sur­pas­sing your­self and loo­king to the future
  • « A bio­lo­gi­cal drive made up of sexual desire, roman­tic love and attach­ment », Helen Fisher, Cana­dian anthropologist
  • « Pas­sion is an impulse, love a deci­sion », Scott Peck, Ame­ri­can psychiatrist
  • « The abi­li­ty to over­come the fear of loving », Gérald Leleu, French sexologist
  • « Le cri d’une incom­plé­tude qui recherche une incom­plé­tude », Jules Bureau, Que­bec psychologist 
  • « Being hap­py rather than trying to be right », John Gott­man, Ame­ri­can psychologist
  • « Accep­ting that you need the other per­son », Rose-Marie Cha­rest, Que­bec psychologist 
  • « Human solu­tion to sepa­ra­tion anxie­ty », Erich Fromm, Ger­man psychoanalyst
  • « Intense and plea­sant fee­ling that incites beings to unite », Wik­tion­naire
➡️ Ask your part­ner to do the same, and then exchange ideas : it’ll be a very fruit­ful discussion ! 

4 – Conclusion

Here we’ve given you a few hints on why you should get mar­ried. These are just a few sug­ges­tions : it’s an extre­me­ly per­so­nal sub­ject, and one that needs to be dis­cus­sed as a couple.
The Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling course is a good source of food for thought. Pre­pa­ring your mar­riage is much more than choo­sing wed­ding rings or deci­ding what will be ser­ved at the vin d’honneur. 
Among the good rea­sons men­tio­ned in this article, you may be thin­king that they are not inherent to mar­riage : cer­tain­ly, these com­mit­ments can be made out­side of marriage.
On the other hand, mar­riage, with its ritual and sym­bo­lic aspect, allows us to put these com­mit­ments into words at a given moment. And to have a pre­cise point, memo­ries, to hold on to in the fluc­tua­ting moments of the rela­tion­ship in the future. 

Why did you decide to get married ?

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➡️ Who we are
We are Lysiane and Romain new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio pre­ma­ri­tal counseling. 
A few years ago, we were exact­ly where you are now. We deci­ded to get mar­ried and set about pre­pa­ring for our big day with great excitement. 
It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing. We wan­ted to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment and pre­pare our­selves properly. 
That’s how Unio was born : the 100% secu­lar & online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram. Read more »
➡️ Pre­pa­ring for mar­riage with Unio :
To lay the foun­da­tions for a solid mar­riage without spen­ding hours on it, and without going to church. 
Our pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling program :
  • ✅ 100% secular
  • ✅ 100% online
  • ✅ 100% fun
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