🏡 Accueil » 💍 premarital counseling » Why get married : good and bad reasons
Why get married : the top 6 good (and not so good) reasons
This may seem like a stupid question, but the answer is obvious : « because I love her ». OK, but it’s a little light…
Today, there are many « models » for couples : religious sacrament, civil or secular ceremony…
And yet, if you’re here, you’ve probably chosen the institution of marriage. So why this choice ?
But in this article, we’ll help you to see things a little more clearly, by helping you to distinguish between the more superficial reasons (which are by no means to be discarded!) and the deeper ones that you can rely on in your future life together.
From the time you met until now, you’ve probably already made commitments to each other (being in an exclusive relationship, maybe moving in together…).
So why this new commitment ? Why get married now ? What does it mean to you ? Is this simply a logical sequence, or do you envisage a « before » and an « after «?
Take the time to think about it together before the wedding – it’ll be invaluable !

Table of contents
1 – The wrong reasons to get married
You’ve just made one of the most important, or at least the craziest, decisions of your life : whether to share the rest of your life with your lover, by proposing or accepting.
- What type of wedding ceremony are you planning for your dream day : religious, civil or secular ?
- Choosing your wedding dress and suit
- Deciding where to receive
- …
In fact, this question is one of the 50 questions to ask yourself before getting married.
- ❌ Prove to ourselves that we’re not a failure, or wash away an affront experienced in a past relationship.
- ❌ Don’t stay alone.
- ❌ Escaping difficult living conditions for one of the spouses.
- ❌ Receiving love and feeling appreciated (although that’s a big bonus of marriage, we’ll grant you).
- ❌ Being able to be happy and fulfilled (same as above ; this is a big plus of marriage but you don’t have to wait for it to be happy). It’s better to learn to be happy with yourself first.
- ❌ For looks and gender only.
- ❌ For fear of remaining single for a long time and not having children.
- ❌ by social convention,
- ❌ to have just one big party,
- ❌ to please the other (under pressure, that is),
- ❌ to breathe new life into a failing relationship
- ❌ to control the other (by « putting the rope around his neck »)
If you don’t recognize yourself in any of these reasons, that’s a good start in your married life !
2 – Why get married : good reasons to say yes
- ✅ celebrate his love,
- ✅ formalize the relationship with a beautiful wedding,
- ✅ pledge fidelity
- ✅ share his happiness with his loved ones,
- ✅ respect a certain tradition,
- ✅ bear the same name…
They are certainly relevant, but here we propose to explore other less obvious and probably slightly deeper reasons.
➡️ Choosing to take this path together and get married can be done for different reasons :
To say yes to build together
To formalize the creation of a new entity, a new home between the engaged couple.
- Values
- Rituals
- Life projects
- …
This is one of the 5 reasons to prepare for marriage : give meaning to your commitment and be clear about your mutual expectations.
Building is to form a team and to share a daily life, but also aspirations, objectives… and marriage is a superb way of symbolizing this.
Marrying to commit to accepting your spouse as he or she is
And not as we’d like them to be.
It also means supporting him or her through the changes (your partner won’t be the same in 5, 10, 15… years), and being genuinely curious about the journey he or she is on.
Why get married ? To commit to working on your love, taking care of it every day
To make it grow and not let it fade.
This is summed up by Tim Keller in The Meaning of Marriage : « Our society believes that feelings of love are the driving force behind loving actions. This may of course be true. But it is even truer to say that loving actions lead inexorably to loving feelings. »
Saying yes to a commitment not to give up at the first sign of trouble
At last, committed spouses don’t spend their time telling each other that the grass is greener elsewhere, threatening to leave, but take charge of their own lawn !
Commitment to making the couple a place of security and growth for both members
3 – A little exercise to help you answer the question « Why get married ?
Before you leave, here’s a little exercise to help you both think about the meaning you want to give to your relationship and marriage.
- « Spontaneous affective movement to meet a need,» Michelle Larivey, Quebec psychologist.
- « Francesco Alberoni, Italian sociologist : « Surpassing yourself and looking to the future
- « A biological drive made up of sexual desire, romantic love and attachment », Helen Fisher, Canadian anthropologist
- « Passion is an impulse, love a decision », Scott Peck, American psychiatrist
- « The ability to overcome the fear of loving », Gérald Leleu, French sexologist
- « Le cri d’une incomplétude qui recherche une incomplétude », Jules Bureau, Quebec psychologist
- « Being happy rather than trying to be right », John Gottman, American psychologist
- « Accepting that you need the other person », Rose-Marie Charest, Quebec psychologist
- « Human solution to separation anxiety », Erich Fromm, German psychoanalyst
- « Intense and pleasant feeling that incites beings to unite », Wiktionnaire
4 – Conclusion
The Unio premarital counseling course is a good source of food for thought. Preparing your marriage is much more than choosing wedding rings or deciding what will be served at the vin d’honneur.
On the other hand, marriage, with its ritual and symbolic aspect, allows us to put these commitments into words at a given moment. And to have a precise point, memories, to hold on to in the fluctuating moments of the relationship in the future.
Why did you decide to get married ?

- ✅ 100% secular
- ✅ 100% online
- ✅ 100% fun

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