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Our 5 tools to improve the quality of your couple’s communication
And yet, it is often cited as one of the main difficulties encountered by lovers : good communication requires interpersonal skills that cannot be learned at school. Unfortunately, these problems can lead to marital conflict or lack of intimacy, and sometimes even to break-up.
Table of contents
1 – Active listening : an essential tool for couple communication
One tool for this is active listening. We are devoting an entire article on this listening methodbut below you’ll find some initial tips on how to get started quickly.
What is active listening ?
Active listening, also known as sympathetic listening, is a concept developed by Carl Rogers.
It is characterized by exclusive attention to the speaker, whether verbal or non-verbal : unlike listener-centered listening, with its judgments and concerns, it focuses on the speaker, who must be given every opportunity to express himself or herself.
This form of listening fosters a deeper understanding of verbal and non-verbal messages, establishing an authentic and positive connection.
Don’t worry : this is not an attitude that comes spontaneously. It’s a real learning process to know how to stand back and offer your full attention to the person expressing themselves.
This is not really listening
- ❌ Interrupt the other before he has finished speaking.
- ❌ Giving unsolicited advice : sometimes the person simply needs to express their thoughts without seeking immediate solutions.
- ❌ Minimizing the feelings expressed, or wanting to reassure at all costs.
- ❌ Use phrases like « it’s nothing » that can invalidate your partner’s emotions.
- ❌ Judging or analyzing, with regard to one’s own experience.
- ❌ React defensively, looking for hidden attacks.
- ❌ Doing something else at the same time, like scrolling through your phone or discreetly replying to a message.
- ❌ Show signs of impatience.
- ❌ Finish each other’s sentences.
- ❌ Prepare your response or counter-argument while the other is speaking.
The active listening checklist
Now that we’ve seen what active listening isn’t, here’s a list of behaviors you can adopt to be a real, empathetic listener.
- ⬜️ Avoid interrupting the speaker.
- ⬜️ Adjust to his personality and show interest in his experiences as well as his words.
- ⬜️ Encourage them to ask questions.
- ⬜️ Be fully present in the moment to demonstrate your availability.
- ⬜️ Check mutual understanding by rephrasing the other person’s words : this ensures that you’ve understood the message without having added your own filters.
- ⬜️ Cultivate patience by avoiding any display of frustration or impatience.
Active listening’s greatest challenge : learning to be silent
Often, when we pretend to listen, we’re already preparing our answers, analyzing and formulating counter-arguments. And we want to express them as quickly as possible, without making sure the other person has had time to get to the bottom of their thoughts.
Turn your tongue over and over in your mouth before answering ! And don’t hesitate to leave silences, which allow your interlocutor to organize his thoughts and go further in what he wishes to express.
2 – Communication levels
We invite you to discover six « categories » that shape exchanges, and how to create a sense of security for open, loving communication.
The six levels of intimacy
So here are the 6 levels of intimacy you’re likely to discuss with your partner :
- The exchange of trivial information : talking about everyday life, light topics like the weather.
- Your opinions and beliefs : reveal more about yourself by sharing your personal vision of the world.
- Your needs : reveal your material, psychological and relational needs.
- Your emotions : express your joy and surprise, but also your sadness and shame.
- Your desires and dreams : reveal what drives you, what sets you in motion.
- Your weaknesses : share your fears and failures. This is the highest level of privacy, often concealed.
All these levels are important : on a day-to-day basis, you can’t just talk incessantly about deep subjects (it’s also great for two people to chat about the girl next door 😉), but systematically leaving them aside doesn’t help to develop an authentic, rich bond.
💡 Now that you’ve learned about these 6 levels, it’s time to ask yourself : at which levels are we comfortable ? Which ones do we leave out the most ? Why ?
The key to getting to the deepest levels of discussion : creating a sense of security
It’s the certainty of being able to communicate openly and authentically, while feeling loved.
- ➡️ At first, each partner tries to present their best side, and not to show their real needs or weaknesses, for example.
- ➡️ Over time, entering into a truly intimate relationship means opening the door to the deepest levels of intimacy.
There can be no true love without true knowledge. If you feel you’re still hiding your weaknesses, for example, explore the underlying reasons : whether it’s fear of being loved less, or beliefs inherited from childhood (e.g. « boys are strong »).
You can then ask yourself the following questions : do I feel comfortable talking about everything ? Are there any taboo subjects between us ? Why ?
Make openness and mutual acceptance the foundations of your relationship, and discover the beauty of true intimacy.
3 – Non-violent communication
There is one particularly effective method for tackling these issues : non-violent communication. non-violent communication a valuable tool modeled by Marshall B. Rosenberg, which encourages exchanges that respect everyone’s needs, values and feelings.
Putting it into practice : the OFNR method
NVC is based on four key principles and stages, grouped together under the acronym OFNR :
- 👉🏼 Observation : Describe the situation objectively, focusing on neutral facts.
Example : « When I observe that…» - 👉🏼 Feeling : Express the emotions and feelings aroused by the situation.
Example : « I feel…» - 👉🏼 Need : Identify the unmet need that has triggered these emotions.
Example : « Because I need…». - 👉🏼 Request : Formulate a clear request about what the other person can do to meet this need.
Example : « Could you…?»
If your partner has forgotten to do the shopping he was supposed to do, replace reproaches with non-violent communication :
- Avoid non-constructive and often aggressive criticism : « You’re just an egotist, we can’t count on you. »
- Opt for : « When I observe that you come home without having done the shopping, I feel angry, because I need consideration, cooperation and support. Could you, when you commit to a household task, set yourself a reminder not to forget ? »
To learn more about the OFNR method, read our article on expressing needs rather than reproaches.
Non-violent communication : going further
In addition to applying this method, here are a few tips and things to consider to help you trade more effectively :
- ➡️ Asking for feedback : once you’ve expressed your request, a crucial step is to ask for feedback and create a bridge with the other person : « How does it make you feel when I say that ? How does it make you feel ? »
- ➡️ As a general rule, even if you don’t follow the method to the letter, try to start your sentences with « I » rather than « you «: this allows you to focus on how you feel, and thus better express your needs without blaming.
- ➡️ Context and body language : in addition to the OFNR method, context is essential for deep conversations : make sure you get the timing right and create an environment that’s conducive, calm and free from distractions.
Body language also plays a crucial role : before broaching a delicate subject, take the time to look into each other’s eyes and hold hands.
By integrating these principles and paying attention to context and body language, you can turn delicate conversations into opportunities for mutual understanding and strengthening your bond.
4 – The languages of love, essential to a fulfilling conjugal relationship
Last but not least, here’s a tool that can really revolutionize your love communication, so simple and powerful is it : the
love languages
The principle of love languages for better understanding as a couple
Using numerous examples, he explains that each of us has a specific way of feeling and communicating love : « if we want to communicate effectively with people from other cultures, we need to learn their language. The same applies to love ».
Sophie speaks the language of touch, while Pierre expresses himself through services rendered. No matter how hard he tries to keep the house looking nice when Sophie comes home in the evening, she won’t feel loved if he doesn’t start by giving her a hug when she gets home.
Each will feel unloved, without having understood or taken the measure of the love expressed by the other. They simply don’t speak the same language. What a shame !
Understanding these differences is crucial to maintaining a strong connection and creating a fulfilling married life for both partners.
The 5 love languages : what are they ?
There are 5 main ways to express love. Here are the 5 types of communication :
- ➡️ Words of affirmation : compliments on personality, appearance, or recognizing the other person’s efforts.
« You’re so good at calming kids down. » - ➡️ Quality time : offering full attention and presence, regardless of the activity.
« Come on, let’s take a walk around the block just the two of us. » - ➡️ Receiving gifts : the value lies in the intention behind the gift, showing that the other person has taken the time to think about it.
« I went to the bakery to buy you your favorite dessert. » - ➡️ Acts of service : performing concrete acts, such as running errands, thus showing your love through actions.
« Stay and rest this afternoon, I’ll take the kids to their activities. » - ➡️ Physical touch : not just sexuality, but also hugs, kisses, or simply holding hands.
Don’t leave home without a goodbye kiss.
The languages of love : how to apply them
To use this tool effectively, several steps are required :
- 1️⃣ Know your language : to start with, identify your own language by observing your behavior and reflecting on your frequent requests and shortcomings. What you offer often reflects what you need.
Objective : communicate it to your partner, in order to :
- So that he can recognize your signs of love when they appear
- May he strive to express his love in your language
- 2️⃣ Know your partner’s language.
- Objective : to discuss the :
- So that you can recognize his signs of love when they appear
- May you strive to express your love in its language
To make sure this doesn’t go unheeded, we’ve come up with a little challenge for you : each of you has to perform a small action in your partner’s main language over the coming week.
5 – 💡 Practical exercise : take stock of your current communication patterns
Evaluate your communication patterns
In your day-to-day interactions, you may have noticed problematic patterns in your marital communication.
- 👉🏼 Identify behaviours that don’t suit youYou and your partner may have sensitive subjects that close the door to discussion, a feeling of not really being listened to, outbursts of anger, hurtful words, moments of indifference, difficulty in calmly returning to the subjects of your arguments…
- 👉🏼 Identifying obstacles and parasites : what are the main obstacles to healthy communication ? Lack of time, lack of tools, other commitments ? What external factors (telephone, stress, fatigue…) disrupt your exchanges ?
Don’t expect these problems to resolve themselves : it’s time to open a dialogue and find solutions to change what’s not working for you.
Putting you on the road to better communication
Here are a few suggestions to get you started :
- 👉🏼 Establish dedicated times and places to discuss your communication : define phone-free times, such as mealtimes or bedtimes, for a more authentic connection.
- 👉🏼 Practice active listening : make it a point to stop interrupting each other and wait for the right moment to announce important news.
- 👉🏼 Celebrating victories : don’t forget to celebrate small victories. If you see improvements, such as better expression of needs, or moments that work for difficult discussions, congratulate each other.
- 👉🏼 Never assume that your partner can guess your thoughts. Clearly express your needs and desires.
- 👉🏼 Show curiosity : always be curious about others. Like an explorer, seek to enrich your knowledge of your partner.
Getting into the habit of regularly taking stock of your communication patterns, and striving to implement the tools presented in this article, will help you maintain a long-lasting, healthy relationship, as well as overcoming the periods of tension that are inevitable in even a happy couple’s life.
Remember, communication between couples is an ongoing journey. Be patient, open and committed to mutual growth throughout your life together.
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