Maintaining desire as a couple : 3 keys to a fulfilling relationship

Main­tai­ning sexual desire as a couple, and how it evolves over time : a sub­ject that concerns eve­ryone, even if it some­times remains a lit­tle taboo bet­ween part­ners. Either because you’re afraid of what it might mean for your rela­tion­ship, or because you’re afraid of your part­ner’s reaction.

💡 Moreo­ver, to 
give sexua­li­ty the place it deserves for both of you in your relationship
we recom­mend our article on 9 tips for a suc­cess­ful relationship.

➡️ What are our pre­con­cei­ved ideas on the sub­ject, and how can we conti­nue to blos­som over time, des­pite fluc­tua­tions in our desires ?

We asked Lucie, foun­der of the Mel­ba app, which guides couples to sexual ful­fillment through immer­sive expe­riences, to offer us some ans­wers, through their col­la­bo­ra­tion with sexo­lo­gists. Won­de­ring what Mel­ba’s gui­ded expe­riences are all about ? Go read this article : 
Voice-gui­ded sex : how does it work ?

Table of contents 

Maintaining desire as a couple : what are the myths about desire ?

Desire in the movies vs. in real life 

Accor­ding to Hol­ly­wood depic­tions, the urge to make love always falls upon us without war­ning, and we find our­selves struck by this sud­den and imme­diate impulse. 

We’ve all seen a thou­sand scenes where the pro­ta­go­nists rush towards each other without even having to speak, and indulge in lan­guo­rous lovemaking. 

This vision of pas­sio­nate love is one of the most wides­pread beliefs about couples. 👉🏼 Read our article on  false beliefs about couples .

As you’d expect, that’s what you see in the movies ; in real life, sex isn’t quite like that. To demys­ti­fy all this, let’s look at types of desire.

Spontaneous and reactive desire

It’s cus­to­ma­ry to dis­tin­guish bet­ween two types of sexual desire we may expe­rience, and one is no bet­ter than the other ! 

The first is what’s known as spon­ta­neous desire : as the name sug­gests, it’s an impul­sive desire for sex, an arou­sal that arises without being pre­ce­ded by any kind of stimulation.

Conver­se­ly, reac­tive desire is the desire for sex in res­ponse to sti­mu­la­tion, whe­ther phy­si­cal or men­tal : a mas­sage, a rea­ding, an ero­tic thought, a caress. 

Desire is nei­ther gen­de­red nor stan­dar­di­zed, des­pite our unfor­tu­nate ten­den­cy to make spon­ta­nei­ty the norm. Indeed, this very divi­sion is open to debate, with some people put­ting for­ward the inter­es­ting argu­ment that no desire is real­ly spon­ta­neous. It’s the delay bet­ween sti­mu­la­tion and the trig­ge­ring of the sexual impulse that varies from one per­son to ano­ther. To medi­tate on or dis­cuss within the couple 😉.

The linearity of libido

As you’ve no doubt rea­li­zed by now, our sexual appe­tite isn’t as constant as a machine. Our libi­do is sub­ject to natu­ral fluc­tua­tions that are cau­sed by a mul­ti­tude of exter­nal factors.

A per­son’s state of health, ill­nesses and their treat­ment, hor­mo­nal changes, type of contra­cep­tion, the health of their rela­tion­ship, finan­cial or pro­fes­sio­nal concerns, unfo­re­seen or plan­ned life events (child­birth…) and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal fac­tors can all slow down or boost sexual desire, or even lead to a loss of libido.

It’s clear that the desire of couples is not neces­sa­ri­ly constant or spon­ta­neous. If the desire for sex can take a back seat to other concerns, or even be for­got­ten over the years, don’t panic : we’re not here to tell you to give up on your sex life for good – quite the contrary ! 

In ses­sion 5 of the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling course we guide you in deep, heart-to-heart dis­cus­sions about your sexua­li­ty, inclu­ding desire over time.

But in the mean­time, here are a few tips to help you in your quest for sexual ful­fillment for two.

entretenir désir

How to maintain desire as a couple ?

Overcoming the illusion of spontaneity

The orchid you have, you look after care­ful­ly : you pay atten­tion to its sun­light, and eve­ry 10 days you water it.

Desire is all the same : you have to nur­ture it. Sex drive is not to be taken for gran­ted, and like a flo­wer, it needs atten­tion and care to blos­som. A quick remin­der : out­bursts of pas­sion are most­ly to be found in the movies. 

Let’s go back to the example of your plant : the­re’s nothing sho­cking about making a note in your sche­dule to remem­ber to water it. It’s time to nor­ma­lize doing the same for your cou­ple’s reu­nion moments. You don’t need to plan any­thing extra­va­gant, or block off an entire after­noon. You can do very simple things, small atten­tions that you know will please your part­ner, or just 5 minutes to hug without saying anything.… 
Allow your­self the luxu­ry of taking time out ; these spe­cial moments will enable you to get toge­ther, share and exchange ideas, all of which will conti­nue to streng­then your rela­tion­ship and rekindle desire. What’s more, plan­ning your inti­mate moments can even enable you to fan­ta­size about the situa­tion in advance, fee­ding it with your ero­tic ima­gi­na­tion and thus fan­ning the flames of desire. 

The power of communication to maintain desire

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion obvious­ly plays a major role in your cou­ple’s sexual deve­lop­ment. It is impor­tant to be able to talk free­ly about what drives youSince your part­ner can’t guess what you want, it’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to keep asking your­self ques­tions about what you like, to think about your fan­ta­sies and to find out what you want. give free rein to your ero­tic ima­gi­na­tionwithout neces­sa­ri­ly trying to rea­lize eve­ry thought.

You’ll also learn about your part­ner’s desires and fan­ta­sies. In the course of these dis­cus­sions, maybe you’ll rea­lize that you share cer­tain desires, maybe you’ll be temp­ted, and maybe you’ll even start trying new things. By tal­king with your part­ner, you build the solid foun­da­tions nee­ded for inti­mate explo­ra­tion and blos­so­ming inti­ma­cy, and help awa­ken desire. 

Do you find it hard to express your needs, espe­cial­ly when it comes to sex ? We give you tips on how to express them rather than reproach them with 
our article on how to express your needs

Nurturing desire by experimenting without pressure 

    We often read in maga­zines that we abso­lu­te­ly must « spice up » our sexua­li­ty, or have expe­riences that are neces­sa­ri­ly har­der or more extra­va­gant to main­tain a pas­sio­nate sexua­li­ty. In the col­lec­tive ima­gi­na­tion, exploring/​spicing up one’s sexua­li­ty often means :
  • 👉🏼 Do acro­ba­tics, know the whole kamasutra 
  • 👉🏼 BDSM in 50 shades of grey mode 
  • 👉🏼 Being a liber­tine, swin­ging experiences
A pro­gram that may be quite satis­fying for some, but may be a lit­tle limi­ting for others. The­re’s a lot of talk about freeing up com­mu­ni­ca­tion about sexua­li­ty, but that doesn’t mean we have to add an injunc­tion to be sexual­ly « libe­ra­ted » and want to test eve­ry­thing without asking our­selves whe­ther these expe­riences are right for us or not. 
    There are 1,000 ways to conti­nue explo­ring your sexua­li­ty toge­ther, here are just a few :
  • ➡️ Real­ly recon­nec­ting with your sen­sa­tions, coming back to your­self, lis­te­ning more clo­se­ly to your body : we can tend to for­get, out of mecha­nism or because we’re des­pe­rate for some kind of per­for­mance or orgasm at all costs.
  • ➡️ Keep the prac­tices you like, but try them out dif­fe­rent­ly : why not vary the inten­si­ty and rhythm, and new sen­sa­tions can emerge.
  • ➡️ Com­pare fan­ta­sy lists : fan­ta­sies are very per­so­nal, and you don’t have to have the same ones. Why not make a list on your own, and then com­pare what you have in common ?
entretenir désir
    Before you start expe­ri­men­ting with dif­ferent things toge­ther, keep the fol­lo­wing tips in mind :
  • ✅ We start by get­ting to know our­selves, iden­ti­fying our desires and limits
  • ✅ You don’t have to try eve­ry­thing when it comes to sexual acti­vi­ty, but that doesn’t mean you’re « stuck ».
  • ✅ You may want to try some­thing out of curio­si­ty, and then never try it again.
  • ✅ We lis­ten to what our part­ner has to say about his or her desires, without judgment.

In the pro­cess, you’ll pro­ba­bly come across some things you like and some things you don’t (fai­lures bring you clo­ser toge­ther, and you’ll laugh eve­ry time you remem­ber them), but the search itself is part of the fun !

Where to start ? You can work it out on your own with your ima­gi­na­tion, or you can find tools to guide you ! The Mel­ba app is one of them 😉.


In order to main­tain your desire as a couple over time, it’s impor­tant to first unders­tand what you’re loo­king for. pre­con­cei­ved ideas about sexua­li­ty We often tend to see cer­tain fluc­tua­tions in desire as abnor­mal, or to think that spon­ta­neous desire is the only real­ly valid one. Freeing our­selves from these myths means we can talk about the sub­ject without pres­sure or frustration. 
If the­re’s no « miracle recipe » for blos­so­ming as a couple, des­pite what some maga­zines would have us believe, it’s cer­tain that a good level of com­mu­ni­ca­tion will help you, as will the awa­re­ness that sexua­li­ty, like eve­ry­thing else in a rela­tion­ship, is some­thing you can take care of and for which it’s accep­table to make cer­tain efforts – but that doesn’t take the magic out of it ! Main­tai­ning desire requires an invest­ment by both of you ! 
If, howe­ver, you’re expe­rien­cing real frus­tra­tions and find it hard to talk about them, it’s a good idea to consult a sexologist/​couples the­ra­pist, whose job it is to sup­port couples throu­ghout their rela­tion­ship in mat­ters rela­ting to their desire. 

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