The power of marital discord : discover the revolutionary 90/​10 rule

If you’ve been fol­lo­wing us for a while (on Ins­ta­gram, via our news­let­ter or on our blog), you’re pro­ba­bly fami­liar with one of our core prin­ciples : couple fights can be incre­di­bly bene­fi­cial.

💡 Tal­king about argu­ments, the dif­fi­cul­ties you may expe­rience as a couple and 
and how to pre­pare for them
are one of the topics cove­red in our ulti­mate guide to mar­ried life.

You may won­der why we make such a claim. Aren’t argu­ments within a couple sup­po­sed to indi­cate under­lying problems ?
In this article, we’ll delve into the heart of this notion, explai­ning how disa­gree­ments in a roman­tic rela­tion­ship can actual­ly streng­then bonds.
😵 First of all, what is a cou­ple’s argument ?

It is the expres­sion of divergent opi­nions and disa­gree­ments, often accom­pa­nied by an emo­tio­nal charge : anger, sadness…

Get rea­dy to  dis­co­ver the 90/​10 rule in detail an intri­guing pers­pec­tive that could well revo­lu­tio­nize the way you think about mari­tal dis­putes. A rule that should be in eve­ry hap­py cou­ple’s toolbox ! 

Table of contents 

1 – Is it normal for a couple to argue a lot ?

Our ans­wer is YES !

We are dee­ply convin­ced that argu­ments within a couple are not neces­sa­ri­ly nega­tive. In fact, they can tes­ti­fy to a balan­ced and heal­thy relationship.

How is this pos­sible ? Let us explain.

Disagreements reflect the maintenance of your individual identities. 

Each of you has your own values, opi­nions and expe­riences, which means you can’t agree on eve­ry­thing. These dif­fe­rences shouldn’t disap­pear as part of your life toge­ther : a suc­cess­ful couple is above all two indi­vi­duals who retain their identity.

Conflicts and arguments between couples show your humanity. 

As human beings, you’re imper­fect : it’s nor­mal that hurt­ful words can some­times be exchan­ged, even with the best of inten­tions and des­pite all the love you have for each other.

Even the stron­gest couples go through crises, and making a rela­tion­ship last doesn’t mean avoi­ding mari­tal strife at all costs. These conflicts are by no means syno­ny­mous with the cou­ple’s failure.

Conflict increases your intimacy. 

    In addi­tion to being nor­mal, these tense moments offer the oppor­tu­ni­ty for a bet­ter mutual unders­tan­ding and a dee­pe­ning of your inti­ma­cy, pro­vi­ded :
  • To have lear­ned how to argue « well », i.e. without vio­lence, with res­pect… This is what we teach you to do in ses­sion 4 of the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal cou­se­ling course
  • Kno­wing how to repair what has been dama­ged when a conflict has gone too far, by kno­wing how to how to come back from the brink
  • Unders­tan­ding for­gi­ve­ness and choo­sing to forgive
  • Main­tai­ning good com­mu­ni­ca­tion within the couple, even at the most dif­fi­cult times
  • Agree to seek help (with couple the­ra­py or mar­riage coun­sel­ling, for example) if the dia­logue has bro­ken down
➡️ Living as a couple, having a ful­filling rela­tion­ship, isn’t just about enjoying moments of per­fect har­mo­ny, it’s about confron­ting each other and gro­wing toge­ther. Being a couple is a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to repair our­selves indi­vi­dual­ly and as a couple. 
dispute de couple

2 – The 90/​10 rule : an exploration of conflict and tension in relationships

One pers­pec­tive we’re very fond of at Unio for tack­ling rela­tion­ship dis­putes is the 90/​10 rule, put for­ward by renow­ned author John Gray.
And it could well change your love life and your view of rela­tion­ship conflicts. 

Accor­ding to this rule, 
only 10% of our reac­tions in conflict situa­tions are direct­ly rela­ted to the cur­rent pro­ble­ma­tic situation
. The remai­ning 90% are actual­ly echoes of our past, unre­sol­ved trau­mas or old pains.

This means that the cur­rent disa­gree­ment (the sub­ject of dis­pute at the moment) sim­ply acts as a trig­ger, awa­ke­ning pain­ful memo­ries from our his­to­ry, whe­ther buried in our child­hood, past rela­tion­ships or even more recent events.
The psy­cho­lo­gy of couples is complex ! 

3 – For a better understanding : an example of the 90/​10 rule in a couple’s relationship

Let’s take an example to illus­trate this intri­guing rule.

❌ Ima­gine Ludo­vic and Clé­ment in the middle of a dis­cus­sion. As Ludo­vic shares a high­light of his day, Clé­ment inter­rupts to talk about din­ner plans.

At first glance, this inter­rup­tion may seem harm­less, but it pro­vokes a dis­pro­por­tio­nate reac­tion from Ludo­vic, who gets angry, loses his tem­per and furious­ly leaves the room.
Without kno­wing this rule, Clé­ment might have thought that Ludo­vic was sim­ply tem­pe­ra­men­tal, or had had a bad day. It could be an ordi­na­ry cou­ple’s quarrel. 
But Clé­ment remem­bers hea­ring about the 90/​10 rule 🔥.
So he waits for Ludo­vic to calm down, and resumes the dis­cus­sion to unders­tand where his reac­tion comes from ; in other words, what this situa­tion has trig­ge­red in him.

As Ludo­vic delves dee­per into his sto­ry, he rea­lizes that his anger isn’t just about the inter­rup­tion itself, but that it’s actual­ly awa­ke­ning a child­hood trau­ma. In his fami­ly, chil­dren’s opi­nions were often down­played, and they had lit­tle say, which left him with deep emo­tio­nal wounds. Clé­ment’s inter­rup­tion rekindles these old wounds.

At the end of this episode :

  • ✅ Ludo­vic knows him­self better
  • ✅ Clé­ment knows Ludo­vic better
  • ✅ Their level of pri­va­cy has increased
  • ✅ In the future, Clé­ment will have to be care­ful not to hurt Ludo­vic’s fee­lings with this behavior.
  • ✅ In the future, Ludo­vic will be more aware of how to respond in such a situa­tion (having tal­ked about it will pro­ba­bly make him feel safer): « I am no lon­ger an 8‑year-old child, I am an adult in a loving and secure rela­tion­ship ».), rather than reac­ting without conscience.

The­rein lies the real trea­sure : the mutual unders­tan­ding this awa­re­ness can bring to the couple. This inti­ma­cy is essen­tial to a las­ting relationship.

Ludo­vic can share his past with Clé­ment, rein­for­cing their inti­ma­cy by dee­pe­ning their unders­tan­ding of each other. Clé­ment, for his part, can offer his empa­thy and sup­port to Ludo­vic in his emo­tio­nal hea­ling process. 

Toge­ther, they can deve­lop stra­te­gies to bet­ter manage future disa­gree­ments and prevent conflicts from esca­la­ting out of control.

dispute de couple

4 – Increasing intimacy through couple quarrels

In concrete terms, what should you do when, during an argu­ment, you feel that you or your part­ner is « out of line » with the situation ? 

    You can trade judg­ment for curio­si­ty, by asking one of the fol­lo­wing ques­tions, for example :
  • Can you tell me what you’re fee­ling right now ?
  • Is there some­thing, some other sto­ry behind your reaction ?
  • Does this remind you of a past experience ?

This awa­re­ness can pave the way for dee­per, more vul­ne­rable dis­cus­sions, crea­ting an enri­ching rela­tion­ship environment.

That’s what true inti­ma­cy and com­pli­ci­ty are all about, when you want to build a stable rela­tion­ship : not staying on the sur­face of the cou­ple’s dif­fi­cul­ties, and thus increa­sing the love in the couple.

This rule can be applied to a wide range of couples » dis­putes. You’ll pro­ba­bly dis­co­ver a lot of things beneath the surface…

    For example :
  • exces­sive jea­lou­sy may stem from a past betrayal or infidelity
  • anxie­ties about finan­cial mat­ters could be lin­ked to a pre­vious per­iod of insecurity.
Many couples » pro­blems go far beyond a simple mat­ter of mis­pla­ced socks ! 

🎁 Bonus : a little exercise to apply the 90/​10 rule in your love relationship

    We sug­gest you take a moment to think about :
  • 👉🏼 the last time you felt like you were « going cra­zy ».
  • 👉🏼 the last time your lover reac­ted stron­gly to an argument.
  • 👉🏼 a recur­ring conflict in your rela­tion­ship that trig­gers a strong emo­tio­nal charge in one or other of you.

Each of you can reflect on what you think may have hap­pe­ned in this situa­tion, and then dis­cuss the sub­ject in depth and in com­plete vulnerability.

We’re sure it’ll be a great discussion !


At the end of the day, argu­ments bet­ween couples are not neces­sa­ri­ly negative. 

In fact, they can be valuable oppor­tu­ni­ties to bet­ter unders­tand your part­ner, streng­then your emo­tio­nal bonds and deal with past trau­mas.

By adop­ting the pers­pec­tive of the 90/​10 rule, you can deci­pher the roots of your reac­tions and trans­form disa­gree­ments into moments of growth and inti­mate sharing. 

So the next time ten­sion mounts in your rela­tion­ship, remem­ber that behind eve­ry argu­ment may lie a hid­den trea­sure trove of emo­tions and memo­ries to explore toge­ther.
📌 If you’d like to dis­co­ver ano­ther illus­tra­tion of this phe­no­me­non, we invite you to lis­ten to  epi­sode 59 of l’es­pace du couple : « Ep. 59 : beneath our conflicts, our psy­cha­trices ». .
You’ll see what a lily of the val­ley sto­ry can hide 😉 

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