Managing finances as a couple

Money is a deter­mi­ning fac­tor in a rela­tion­ship. Dis­co­ver our tips for mana­ging your finances as a couple, with sere­ni­ty and confidence.

Table of contents 

One of the most impor­tant things in a rela­tion­ship is to be on the same page when it comes to finances. Money is often a tou­chy sub­ject, but it’s impor­tant to have open and honest com­mu­ni­ca­tion about your finances with your part­ner. No one wants to argue about money, but mana­ging money as a couple doesn’t have to be dif­fi­cult. Here are a few tips on how to manage your money as a couple.

💡 Mana­ging your money as a couple is one of the key topics of dai­ly life, along with mana­ging hou­se­hold chores or even mana­ging your time. In our dedi­ca­ted article, we give you our tips to help you 
build a heal­thy, balan­ced dai­ly routine

1. Set financial goals

Before you can start wor­king on your finan­cial goals as a couple, you must first sit down and talk about them. Want to save up for a down pay­ment on a house ? Do you want to get rid of your debts ? Do you want to start saving for reti­re­ment ? Do you want to save for a new car ? Taking a trip ? Once you know your finan­cial goals, you can start deve­lo­ping a plan to achieve them. It’s the best motivation ! 

2. Set a budget and stick to it 

Once you’ve defi­ned your finan­cial goals, it’s time to start dra­wing up a bud­get. Work toge­ther to deve­lop a bud­get that covers all your essen­tial needs and allows you to have fun. Then com­mit to sti­cking to your bud­get to stay on track to reach your goals. You may have to make a few sacri­fices, but it will all be worth it in the end. 

3. Communicate regularly 

Per­haps the most impor­tant tip for mana­ging money as a couple is to com­mu­ni­cate regu­lar­ly. Talk about your finances often, even if the­re’s no pro­blem. This will help you keep the lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion open and avoid sur­prises along the way. You also need to make sure you’re both on the same wave­length when it comes to major pur­chases. If one of you wants to buy a new car or go on a trip, dis­cuss it first to avoid (un)pleasant surprises. 

La Gestion de l’Argent dans le Couple

4. Be transparent about your expenses

Good accounts make good friends.… and good mar­riages ! Be trans­pa­rent about your expenses, and don’t hide them from your part­ner. Unless it’s his bir­th­day present, of course 😉

Whe­ther you’ve drawn up a mar­riage contract or not, you’re in the same boat. It’s essen­tial to be honest about your pur­chases, but also about any cre­dits or debts you may have. Set the record straight to build real finan­cial trust bet­ween you. Because remem­ber, when it comes to finance : you’re all in the same boat !

5. Recognize your personality differences

Not eve­ryone is born and grows up in the same condi­tions. As a result, each per­son’s rela­tion­ship with money is unique : one loves num­bers and Excel spread­sheets, the other hates cal­cu­la­tions, one is a spend­thrift, the other a thrif­ty per­son, and so on. 

Per­so­na­li­ty dif­fe­rences can be at the root of certain 
often not the real root of money-rela­ted pro­blems. The root of the pro­blem lies when one of you neglects to lis­ten to the other’s opi­nion, or when one of you gives up on mana­ging finances alto­ge­ther. So, even if finances put you off, get invol­ved, unite and form a great team of accountants !

If money is a sub­ject of conflict for you, the 
90/​10 rule for unders­tan­ding your conflicts
could be very useful.

La Gestion de l’Argent dans le Couple

6. Take salary differences into account

In most couples, one earns more money than the other. It’s rare that the two of you earn exact­ly the same sala­ry. Some­times, for example, one of the cou­ple’s part­ners puts part of his or her career on hold to look after the hou­se­hold. More gene­ral­ly, a gap in eco­no­mic power (fami­ly wealth or sala­ry) is a cru­cial sub­ject to tackle, because if it is not mana­ged trans­pa­rent­ly, it can create a power struggle, imba­lance and great frustration. 

This dif­fe­rence needs to be taken into account to avoid any per­cei­ved imba­lance. For those who earn the most might feel entit­led to a say in eve­ry expen­di­ture, while those who earn less might feel guil­ty at the sligh­test expense. 

There is no miracle recipe or per­fect method. The impor­tant thing is to dis­cuss and agree.

7. Have a joint account… and separate accounts too

Some couples think that the best way to avoid money dis­putes is to keep sepa­rate cur­rent accounts. His sala­ry goes into one account, yours into ano­ther, and we each pay our bills sepa­ra­te­ly. But mar­riage is a part­ner­ship. It’s no lon­ger a ques­tion of « his money » and « my money », but of « your money ».

One of the most com­mon solu­tions for mana­ging money as a couple is to have a joint account for bills and joint expenses (rent, shop­ping, etc.), and sepa­rate accounts. The joint account can be fun­ded in pro­por­tion to each employee’s sala­ry. In this way, eve­ryone contri­butes to the cou­ple’s expenses to the extent of their income. At the same time, sepa­rate accounts allow eve­ryone to spend the money they have on them as they see fit, without having to jus­ti­fy it. 

This method gives both part­ners a cer­tain amount of free­dom when it comes to spending. 

8. Unio Preparation helps you take stock

Whe­ther you’re a new couple, enga­ged or alrea­dy married, 
our Unio
laic pre­pa­ra­tion helps you to take stock of your cou­ple’s money mana­ge­ment. Unio is a real conver­sa­tion star­ter, offe­ring you the chance to dis­cuss 7 key themes of mar­ried life and com­mit­ment. By alter­na­ting moments of indi­vi­dual reflec­tion with ses­sions of sha­ring toge­ther, you’ll tackle in depth the sub­jects that mat­ter, for a ful­filling and las­ting mar­riage !

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