100% online : 5 reasons to choose this new format for your premarital counseling course

You know all about the concept of pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling and are convin­ced that it’s an essen­tial step in your enga­ge­ment ? So you know that there are dif­ferent for­mats : essen­tial­ly face-to-face pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling courses (in prep cen­ters) and online pre­mar­riage prep.
When we laun­ched Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling :
  • ❌ we didn’t flip a coin bet­ween the 2 solutions
  • ✅ we’ve com­bi­ned our per­so­nal expe­rience with that of our many new­ly-wed friends to choose the most flexible and richest accom­pa­niment for you : the 100% online for­mat, new in the US.
As with eve­ry­thing, each for­mat has its advan­tages and disad­van­tages. But after tur­ning the ques­tion on its head, the result is une­qui­vo­cal : if you’re a modern, active, curious new­ly-enga­ged couple… we’re convin­ced that the online secu­lar wed­ding pre­pa­ra­tion for­mat is the most sui­table and prac­ti­cal for you !

In this article, we share with you 
5 points that we think should make you opt for a 100% online format

Table of contents 

1 – You can prepare for your wedding online whenever you want (no extra hassle in your day-to-day life!).

The pro­po­sal is made, and you’ve understood 
why it’s essen­tial to pre­pare for marriage
. But you don’t want constraints ? You’ve come to the right place.

Face-to-face course involves appoint­ments (eve­nings, wee­kend mor­nings…) that are impo­sed on couples wishing to mar­ry. Some­times the dates and times cho­sen for the ses­sions are just right for you. Some­times they become a real constraint : you had plan­ned a wee­kend at the sea­side for this date ; you’ve had a very stress­ful day and sim­ply don’t want to do any­thing tonight…

On the other hand, with online course : 
  • 👉🏼 You decide when you want to do your ses­sions, and can access them as soon as you register : 
    • For your indi­vi­dual game : on the sub­way, while jog­ging, on a lazy Sun­day after­noon at home…
    • Only for your com­mon area : eve­ry other Thurs­day at home, on vaca­tion at a beach bar…
  • 👉🏼 You choose the pace you want to set for your pre­pa­ra­tion : some people will do it in a few weeks, while others will want to spread out the ses­sions over seve­ral months or even 2 years !
    Find out what couples who have taken the Unio online and secu­lar course have to say : Google review.
We know that the run-up to the big day is busy and some­times stress­ful. The list of guests, the choice of wed­ding rings, visits to recep­tion venues, orga­ni­za­tion of the honey­moon trip or crea­tion of rituals for your cere­mo­ny : the list of things that enga­ged couples have to think about is long.
With the 100% online for­mat, pre­pa­ring for your com­mit­ment doesn’t add any extra stress : you do eve­ry­thing at your own pace ! 

Whe­ther you choose a secu­lar wed­ding, a church wed­ding or a civil wed­ding, this for­mat will allow you to lay a solid foun­da­tion for your mar­riage without adding to your men­tal load !

faire grandir sa relation de couple avec une préparation au mariage

2 – You can do your premarital counseling program online wherever you like

Face-to-face pre­pa­ra­tion requires you to meet spe­ci­fic dates and places, often cal­led « pre­pa­ra­tion cen­ters » (at Church in the case of reli­gious mar­riage preparation).

This is not the case for dema­te­ria­li­zed courses.
For example, at Unio, we sug­gest cer­tain atmospheres/​places for the love mee­ting of each ses­sion : for example, the loca­tion of your first date for the first ses­sion of the program.
But you’re total­ly free to do the ses­sions whe­re­ver you want !
You can take your course with you whe­re­ver you go : on a busi­ness trip to play your indi­vi­dual game, on a roman­tic vaca­tion to play your com­mu­nal game
For our part, when we fol­lo­wed our Unio online course, we did a ses­sion on a Colom­bian beach, ano­ther on the ski slopes, ano­ther at home over brunch… great high­lights for our couple, which will remain engra­ved as cool moments in our mar­riage prep. 
Much nicer than an imper­so­nal mee­ting room, don’t you think ?
Tal­king about your life as a couple can be a lot of fun, we gua­ran­tee it !
And having taken this step of pre­pa­ring a secu­lar wed­ding online will only make your wed­ding day more beau­ti­ful, and the yes you say to each other at your com­mit­ment cere­mo­ny stron­ger.

3 – You can deliver on your own (no pressure !)

Often, face-to-face courses are led by a team or a per­son in charge (often a priest or a mar­ried couple for church pre­pa­ra­tion courses), for seve­ral couples at the same time.

This has its advan­tages, but in our expe­rience (we’ve done one as well, we talk about our expe­rience here : https://www.unio-preparation.com//en/about/), it’s not at all condu­cive to self-indul­gence or real reflec­tion. During these face-to-face ses­sions, you’re often given a few minutes to dis­cuss a sub­ject in pri­vate, and then you have to talk in front of seve­ral strangers.
Would you feel com­for­table tal­king about your sexua­li­ty, child­hood wounds, your values around mar­ried love… in these condi­tions ?
We don’t ! That’s why Unio ses­sions are gui­ded by an online gui­de­line, but are meant to be done on your own, so you can get to the heart of the mat­ter, one-on-one. 0% stress (you don’t have to ans­wer to anyone!), 100% roman­tic connection !
So you can dis­cuss face-to-face  the essen­tial sub­jects to dis­cuss before saying yes .

Mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion is not the­ra­py, but a sup­port for dia­logue bet­ween the two of you, which should allow you to real­ly delve into the issues and help your rela­tion­ship grow !

couple fait sa préparation au mariage en ligne

4 – Online premarital counseling adapts to the challenges and issues facing your couple

In phy­si­cal pre­pa­ra­tions, the timing of exchanges on each theme is fixed : x hours on com­mu­ni­ca­tion, x minutes on sexuality…

Howe­ver, in our expe­rience, each couple has its own chal­lenges, impor­tant points… and what will be impor­tant to explore in couple A will not be the same for couple B, and vice ver­sa on ano­ther subject. 
At Unio, for example, we offer you com­pre­hen­sive and exclu­sive content so that : 
  • ✅ You cer­tain­ly didn’t miss any vital points
  • ✅ You decide how much time you want to devote to each theme, accor­ding to your aspi­ra­tions and life situa­tion.
And that’s what’s so fun­ny when we ask couples who have pre­pa­red their secu­lar wed­ding with Unio : none of them spends the same amount of time on the same session ! 

5 – Online premarital counseling adapts to your tastes (reading, audio, writing…) 

For each online ses­sion, you have dif­ferent parts, and for each of them you have a lot of flexi­bi­li­ty. For example :
  • 👉🏼 For the indi­vi­dual topo on each theme, it is avai­lable in audio or rea­ding for­mat, depen­ding on your pre­fe­rences, so you can obtain all the infor­ma­tion you need on the theme without any constraints.
  • 👉🏼 For the indi­vi­dual and joint ques­tion­naires, you can write or dic­tate your ans­wers, depen­ding on what you’re most com­for­table with.

We’ve thought of eve­ry­thing so that you can pre­pare for this new life pro­ject with ease and flui­di­ty, while streng­the­ning your bond !


It’s for all these rea­sons that we believe the online pre­ma­ri­tal prep for­mat is the best solu­tion, so that this beau­ti­ful moment in life doesn’t become a constraint, but a real moment of connec­tion and plea­sure bet­ween future brides and grooms ! 
🎁 Bonus 1 : Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling is sui­table wha­te­ver type of wed­ding you’ve cho­sen : reli­gious cere­mo­ny, secu­lar cere­mo­ny or civil union !
🎁🎁 Bonus 2 : since it’s all done online, you can sign up and get star­ted without fur­ther ado, while you’re in a rush of motivation ! 
Enjoy your first online and secu­lar pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling session ! 

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➡️ Who we are
We are Lysiane and Romain new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio pre­ma­ri­tal counseling. 
A few years ago, we were exact­ly where you are now. We deci­ded to get mar­ried and set about pre­pa­ring for our big day with great excitement. 
It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing. We wan­ted to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment and pre­pare our­selves properly. 
That’s how Unio was born : the 100% secu­lar & online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram. Read more »
➡️ Pre­pa­ring for mar­riage with Unio :
To lay the foun­da­tions for a solid mar­riage without spen­ding hours on it, and without going to church. 
Our pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling program :
  • ✅ 100% secular
  • ✅ 100% online
  • ✅ 100% fun
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