Premarital counseling : 5 unfounded preconceived ideas to forget right

« It’s only for Catho­lics », « My rela­tion­ship is fine, I don’t need to be accom­pa­nied », « I don’t want to be told how to live as a couple »
You’re get­ting mar­ried in a few months » time and these reflec­tions ring a bell ? That’s nor­mal. There are many mis­con­cep­tions about mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion.

💡 If, like many future brides and grooms, the concept of pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling isn’t very clear to you, we sug­gest you read our article for eve­ry­thing you need to know about pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling. Here we explain eve­ry­thing you need to know about pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling, and ans­wer all the most fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions on the subject.

After all, the­re’s very lit­tle infor­ma­tion out there on the sub­ject, so we won’t blame you (Pierre) if you share (for the time being) some of these misconceptions.
In this article, we’ll take a clo­ser look at the 5 most com­mon mis­con­cep­tions about pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling, to help you sort out what’s real and what’s not.
To help you make the most infor­med choice about your pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling format. 

Table of contents 

Misconception #1 about premarital counseling : it’s only for Catholic couples

⚠️ Spoi­ler alert : not true anymore

A prio­ri, this is the most wides­pread belief when it comes to mar­riage preparation.
And with good rea­son : until recent­ly in France, only couples get­ting mar­ried reli­gious­ly could bene­fit from mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion.
    Couples mar­rying secu­lar­ly (or sim­ply through a civil mar­riage) were faced with a dilem­ma :
  • ❌ Giving up on pre­pa­ring their couple for mar­riage, some­times with the fee­ling that they didn’t real­ly know what they were get­ting into, or redu­cing this key moment to a big party. 
  • ❌ Pre­pare in spite of eve­ry­thing in a reli­gious parish, with a Catho­lic priest, at the risk of not being at all ali­gned with the theo­lo­gi­cal dimen­sion of the pre­pa­ra­tion course pro­po­sed by the church.
But that was before ! In recent years, a num­ber of secu­lar mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion courses have been laun­ched. Pro­grams such as the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling course offer a 100% secu­lar vision, enabling couples to address all the cru­cial issues of a long-term rela­tion­ship without reli­gious bias. 
🎁 Bonus : unlike reli­gious pre­pa­ra­tions, Unio offers a place for all couples : atheist or reli­gious (wha­te­ver their god), mixed, LGBTQ+ or straight.… Whe­ther you’ve cho­sen a civil wed­ding, a reli­gious wed­ding or a secu­lar cere­mo­ny, you’ll be able to give mea­ning to your com­mit­ment and take the time tothe fun­da­men­tal ques­tions of mar­ried life..

Whoe­ver you are, come and take part in this mea­ning­ful trend !

couple épanoui sur la plage

Misconception number 2 about premarital counseling : it’s couple therapy 

« My rela­tion­ship is going so well, why should I go for pre-wed­ding counselling ? »
Does this reflec­tion make sense to you ?
It’s a phrase we regu­lar­ly hear from future brides and grooms who, after having pro­po­sed, are on a cloud of love.
And this reflec­tion reflects the second most wides­pread belief about mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion : that mar­riage prep is a kind of couples the­ra­py.
So, cer­tain­ly :
  • 👉🏼 pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram such as Unio are often co-desi­gned by cer­ti­fied the­ra­pists to share with the bride and groom a wealth of advice for a great life together.
  • 👉🏼 But they are desi­gned for couples who are doing well : a prio­ri, when we say yes to each other, our rela­tion­ship is gene­ral­ly wor­king well.
What’s the point, then, if the couple is alrea­dy doing well ?
  • 👉🏼 Tackle deep-sea­ted issues that, even in couples who com­mu­ni­cate well, are often over­loo­ked in eve­ry­day life : inhe­ri­tances recei­ved from your res­pec­tive fami­lies, your expec­ta­tions of marriage…
  • 👉🏼 Acquire rela­tion­ship tools before mar­riage (for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, conflict mana­ge­ment, for­gi­ve­ness…) that will be inva­luable in the future ups and downs that all couples will expe­rience soo­ner or later.
  • 👉🏼 Become even more proac­tive about your future as a couple, by clear­ly defi­ning your expec­ta­tions and the direc­tion you want your rela­tion­ship and your life in gene­ral to take. A won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to avoid fal­ling into auto­pi­lot mode !
🎁 Bonus : a lit­tle meta­phor. Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling can be com­pa­red to Chi­nese medicine. 
  • ➡️ In the West, we go to the doc­tor when some­thing is wrong. For the couple, this means going to see a the­ra­pist when the cri­sis is alrea­dy well underway.
  • ➡️ In the East (in Chi­nese medi­cine, for example), we go when eve­ry­thing’s going well, to prevent the onset of symp­toms. For couples, this means inves­ting in their rela­tion­ship, acqui­ring tools, having uncom­for­table dis­cus­sions… when eve­ry­thing’s going well to build solid foundations !
    Com­plex sub­jects are much easier to tackle under these condi­tions than when the couple is alrea­dy wea­ke­ned or when the emo­tio­nal load is too high ! 
🔥 We like the second vision, don’t you ? 

Misconception number 3 about premarital counseling : it’s a list of hypothetical questions about the couple’s future.

« What would you do if Paul lost his job and could no lon­ger contri­bute to the hou­se­hold ? », « How would you act if one of your chil­dren became serious­ly ill ? »
Per­haps some pre­mar­riage courses ask you to think about these kinds of ques­tions, but that’s not the objec­tive, nor the whole idea.
In fact, as part of the pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling, you are invi­ted to do some real soul-sear­ching and think about the gene­ral mecha­nisms that will help you wea­ther the storms of life.
Not to ans­wer an exhaus­tive list of ques­tions about eve­ry worst-case sce­na­rio that could arise in your future life toge­ther. Life will always be a suc­ces­sion of unfo­re­seen events ! 
At Unio Pre­pa­ra­tion, we like to get down to the nit­ty-grit­ty of spe­ci­fic situa­tions, but the ove­rall way of thin­king is more like this (on each of the pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling topics):
  • What have you been through together ?
  • What have you lear­ned ? How can what you’ve lear­ned from it help you in the future ?
  • What pat­terns in your rela­tion­ship do you find func­tio­nal ? On the contra­ry, which ones do you want to improve so that the two of you can face the future with peace of mind ?
That’s what pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling is all about : cla­ri­fying your exis­ting prac­tices, explo­ring new pers­pec­tives and acqui­ring a solid foun­da­tion that will accom­pa­ny you throu­ghout your life toge­ther, in all kinds of situations.
You’ll arrive on your wed­ding day even more serene, confi­dent that you’re on your way to the life you’ve always drea­med of ! And you’ll have acqui­red an extre­me­ly rich habit of spea­king and lis­te­ning for all the moments of life to come : what luck ! 

Misconception #4 about premarital counseling : it will tell you how to be a « good couple ».

Eve­ry day, social net­works and maga­zines sho­wer you with advice on how to be the most gla­mo­rous, com­mu­ni­ca­tive, enviable couple of the year ! 

Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­grams are ano­ther mat­ter all toge­ther. They are based on (at least the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram) the convic­tion that eve­ry couple has its own magic recipe. What works for couple A doesn’t neces­sa­ri­ly work for couple B.

Then no one will be there to tell you « to be hap­py over the long term, a couple has to do this, this and this ». Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling courses invite you to take the time to ask your­self these types of questions :
  • ✅ On such and such a sub­ject, how do we, as a couple, function ?
  • ✅ Does that suit us ? 
  • ✅ If so, great, let’s culti­vate this aspect of our relationship. 
  • ✅ If not, how can we move for­ward on this point ?
couple agé heureux

Pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling courses are the­re­fore not a guide to mar­ried life, but an incen­tive for the two of you to have in-depth dis­cus­sions about what’s best for your couple. Not your neigh­bor’s !

On the other hand, they also offer you a range of care­ful­ly selec­ted rela­tion­ship-buil­ding tools to dis­co­ver. Like love lan­guages, non-violent com­mu­ni­ca­tion, conflict management…
These tools are made avai­lable to you but not impo­sed : it’s up to you to make your own choices, to inte­grate into your life as a future spouse what speaks to you and leave aside what doesn’t ! 

Misconception number 5 about premarital counseling : it’s academic and boring

If you have friends around you who have under­gone wed­ding pre­pa­ra­tions, par­ti­cu­lar­ly reli­gious ones, opi­nions may dif­fer. Some found it great, others found the for­mat too constrai­ning, too aca­de­mic. It’s not neces­sa­ri­ly the stuff of dreams !
So, depen­ding on the type of pre­mar­riage prep you choose, there may be some truth in this misconception. 
But it’s far from being a fore­gone conclu­sion ! At Unio, for example, we have cho­sen the 100% online for­mat for your pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling course. This makes pre­pa­ra­tion fun and varied !
The­re’s no need to add constraints or men­tal work­loads to the alrea­dy busy per­iod of your wed­ding pre­pa­ra­tions : you pro­ba­bly alrea­dy have to-do lists as long as your arm for fin­ding sup­pliers and cate­rers, choo­sing wed­ding rings and wed­ding regis­tries, mee­ting your parents » expec­ta­tions… in short, for orga­ni­zing your big day. 

In the mid­st of all this, relax : with the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram, the­re’s nothing to wor­ry about. We’ll guide you through authen­tic moments of fun and mea­ning bet­ween enga­ged couples.

couple qui fait un pique-nique
Thanks to this for­mat, pre­pa­ra­tion is no lon­ger a constraint or a lec­ture. On the contra­ry, this type of course (the 100% online for­mat) allows you to do 5 things :
  • ✅ You can pre­pare for your mar­riage online whe­ne­ver you like (no rea­son to add an extra bur­den or effort to your dai­ly rou­tine!).
    And at your own pace : in just a few weeks, months or 2 years – the choice is yours ! 
  • ✅ You can pre­pare for your mar­riage online whe­re­ver you like. It’s up to you to orga­nize the ses­sions around a roman­tic pic­nic or a good bot­tle of wine ! 
  • ✅ You can be com­ple­te­ly auto­no­mous (no pres­sure!) only with your fian­cé, espe­cial­ly on the most inti­mate sub­jects (sexua­li­ty…).
  • ✅ Online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling is tai­lo­red to the chal­lenges and issues facing your couple. You spend more time on the sub­jects that speak to you, and less on those that seem less relevant ! 
  • ✅ Online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling is fun (alter­na­ting topos, ques­tion­naires, dis­cus­sion time…) and adapts to your tastes (rea­ding, audio, writing…). 

Who said that taking care of your rela­tion­ship and giving mea­ning to your com­mit­ment had to be boring ?


We hope this article has given you a clea­rer pic­ture of the pre­con­cei­ved ideas sur­roun­ding pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling, and whe­ther this key stage in a cou­ple’s life is right for you.
As we all know, pre­pa­ring for your wed­ding isn’t just about orga­ni­zing a wed­ding par­ty, fin­ding a beau­ti­ful recep­tion venue, dra­wing up a table plan, choo­sing your wed­ding dress, signing a piece of paper in front of the mayor at the civil cere­mo­ny… it’s also about pre­pa­ring your couple for one of the most impor­tant com­mit­ments of your lives ! 

If you have any fur­ther ques­tions or doubts on the sub­ject… we look for­ward to hea­ring from you in the com­ments ! You can also dis­co­ver the 
5 essen­tial rea­sons to pre­pare for marriage

💥 And if you’d like to dis­co­ver what the Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling course actual­ly involves, you can try out without obli­ga­tion : the first ses­sion at only $39.
We pro­mise you a ren­dez­vous a thou­sand times richer than yet ano­ther Net­flix eve­ning ! One of the high­lights of your enga­ge­ment that you’ll remem­ber for a long time ! 

We bet that at the end of this ses­sion you’ll be convin­ced that these 5 pre­con­cei­ved ideas about mar­riage pre­pa­ra­tion are unfounded ?

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➡️ Who we are
We are Lysiane and Romain new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio pre­ma­ri­tal counseling. 
A few years ago, we were exact­ly where you are now. We deci­ded to get mar­ried and set about pre­pa­ring for our big day with great excitement. 
It was great, but some­thing was clear­ly mis­sing. We wan­ted to give real mea­ning to our com­mit­ment and pre­pare our­selves properly. 
That’s how Unio was born : the 100% secu­lar & online pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram. Read more »
➡️ Pre­pa­ring for mar­riage with Unio :
To lay the foun­da­tions for a solid mar­riage without spen­ding hours on it, and without going to church. 
Our pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling program :
  • ✅ 100% secular
  • ✅ 100% online
  • ✅ 100% fun
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