Spending quality time as a couple to avoid becoming mere roommates

Sha­ring qua­li­ty time toge­ther shouldn’t be the exclu­sive pre­serve of young couples. This time sha­red bet­ween lovers is essen­tial : in fact, it’s one of the five  five lan­guages of love.
Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, as the years go by in a rela­tion­ship, sha­ring moments just for the two of us becomes rarer and rarer for many lovers. They’re overw­hel­med by the demands of dai­ly life, constraints and stress… and without even rea­li­zing it, they risk slip­ping into a rela­tion­ship of simple coha­bi­ta­tion. This can be a real source of suf­fe­ring for spouses. 
But the­re’s nothing inevi­table about it : taking time out for your part­ner, sha­ring an acti­vi­ty toge­ther, is a choice (and a real need). In which constraints such as work and fami­ly life must be taken into account, but which can be conscious­ly prioritized.
In this article, we’ll take you step-by-step through how to put these sha­red moments back at the heart of your rela­tion­ship.

Table of contents 

Spending quality time as a couple : what it’s not

Being physically in the same place does not mean sharing a moment

Do you real­ly spend time together ?
If you live under the same roof, you may be temp­ted to retort that the ans­wer is obvious : of course you spend time together ! 
Mathe­ma­ti­cal­ly, yes, it’s true.
But is this time qua­li­ta­tive, or does it boil down to « mana­ge­ment » time ? Taking care of the kids, having quick meals toge­ther, run­ning into each other ?
Being phy­si­cal­ly toge­ther doesn’t neces­sa­ri­ly mean spen­ding a moment of com­pli­ci­ty toge­ther ; it’s not neces­sa­ri­ly a sign of a heal­thy relationship. 

Avoid the risk of becoming mere roommates

Living toge­ther is not just about sha­ring qua­li­ty time and nur­tu­ring emo­tio­nal bonds.
For example, this isn’t real­ly sha­ring a moment :
  • ❌ Exchange only on « prac­ti­cal » topics, mana­ging the house, children… 
  • ❌ Having all your meals toge­ther in front of the TV
  • ❌ Scrol­ling through his phone as his part­ner recounts his day…
  • ❌ Having the fee­ling of being only a paren­tal couple and no lon­ger a loving couple
Can you relate to some of these descriptions ?
Don’t panic ! If they’re not care­ful, many couples in long-term rela­tion­ships will go through one or more phases where they’re nothing more than « col­locs ». Or hou­se­hold co-mana­gers. Or co-parents. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly in per­iods of intense life, with the arri­val of young chil­dren for example. 
And the­re’s no fata­lism in that : beco­ming aware of it is the first step to chan­ging the situa­tion if it doesn’t suit you.
The second step : have a real conver­sa­tion to put this pri­mor­dial need to share back at the heart of your life. 

Spending quality time as a couple : why it’s important

Quality time is essential at the start of a relationship…

In the ear­ly stages of a rela­tion­ship, almost 100% of the time you spend toge­ther is qua­li­ty time : end­less dis­cus­sions on the sofa, a long walk hand in hand along a river…
That’s what most couples go through when they form. 

Then, as time goes by, these moments can become less frequent, without us real­ly rea­li­zing it. We end up wri­ting to each other just to ask to pick up the bread.

But these moments, so present in the begin­ning, were pre­cious : they enabled you to dis­co­ver each other, to create a real connec­tion, to asso­ciate the notion of plea­sure with your rela­tion­ship… and to lay the foun­da­tions for a hap­py couple. 

… and just as much after years of living together

The mis­take is to believe that once this seduc­tion phase is over, they’re no lon­ger neces­sa­ry. Quite the opposite !
They are the foun­da­tion of a solid, ful­filling rela­tion­ship, making for a hap­py couple and kee­ping the flame burning. 
They are essen­tial for :
  • 👉🏼 Soli­di­fy your rela­tion­ship, making it a prio­ri­ty for both of you. It’s one thing to say it, but it’s even more impor­tant to show it in concrete terms by devo­ting time to it. To love is a verb of action !
  • 👉🏼 Redis­co­ver and deve­lop com­mu­ni­ca­tion and com­pli­ci­ty : even after 10 years toge­ther, you still don’t know eve­ry­thing about each other ! Being a couple means remai­ning as curious about each other as you were at the begin­ning, exchan­ging infor­ma­tion about your per­so­nal evo­lu­tion… If you don’t know where to start, Unio pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling will help you to have much richer dis­cus­sions than Satur­day’s shop­ping list !
    NB : these moments are all the more impor­tant in times of rela­tion­ship dif­fi­cul­ties or when com­mu­ni­ca­tion has bro­ken down. They enable us to stay in touch des­pite difficulties.
  • 👉🏼 Having fun and crea­ting sha­red memo­ries as a couple. At Unio, we often say that rela­tion­ships are hard work. That’s true, but we mustn’t lose sight of an essen­tial ingre­dient for a rela­tion­ship to flou­rish : dis­co­ve­ry, adven­ture, sha­ring, lightness…
  • 👉🏼 Keep sedu­cing you, keep the desire alive. And consi­der that nothing can be taken for gran­ted, that the couple requires constant invest­ment to main­tain and deve­lop inti­ma­cy. When you think about it, doesn’t it seem cra­zy to invest so much in your pro­fes­sio­nal life and some­times so lit­tle in the cen­tral rela­tion­ship of your life ?
Couples who last hap­pi­ly are those who have deci­ded to make their rela­tion­ship a prio­ri­ty, and roll up their sleeves to do so.
A cou­ple’s soli­di­ty isn’t just a ques­tion of big com­mit­ments, but also, and above all, of small eve­ry­day actions.

Spending quality time together : one of the languages of love

Are you fami­liar with the concept of the 5 love lan­guages ? If no :
  • In a nut­shell : it’s a concept deve­lo­ped by Gary Chap­man in his book The Lan­guages of Love. Accor­ding to him, eve­ryone expresses and wishes to receive love in a cer­tain way (through words, phy­si­cal touch…). And in any rela­tion­ship, it’s essen­tial to know your own lan­guage and that of the other per­son, so you can unders­tand each other.
    This theo­ry applies to couples in love, but not only : fami­ly rela­tion­ships, friendships…
  • Want to find out more ? We did an article on the  the five lan­guages of love. Kno­wing each other’s lan­guage is one of the keys to a suc­cess­ful rela­tion­ship and las­ting love !

Of these 5 lan­guages, one is very com­mon in roman­tic rela­tion­ships. This is the lan­guage of « qua­li­ty time ». People who speak this lan­guage feel par­ti­cu­lar­ly loved when their lover takes the time to real­ly devote him­self or her­self to them and offers them his or her full attention. 

Spending quality time as a couple : our tips for a vibrant love life

So how can you put these qua­li­ty moments back at the heart of your rela­tion­ship ? Here are our 3 tips for a satis­fying relationship. 

Transforming « classic » moments in life into quality time for your couple

Having a good time toge­ther doesn’t have to mean taking a year-long roman­tic trip around the world.
Some eve­ry­day actions can become a pre­text for real moments of sha­ring. The­re’s just one condi­tion : inten­tion (which is what dis­tin­guishes a rou­tine from a ritual).
And seize the oppor­tu­ni­ty to real­ly tell you about your day, to play, to lis­ten fully… 
Let’s take an example : the Net­flix eve­ning. You have two options : 
    • Mecha­ni­cal­ly choose a pro­gram, sit on the oppo­site side of the sofa, spend the epi­sode scrol­ling through your phones and never men­tion it again.
    • Light a few candles, pour your­self a drink, curl up in each other’s arms, then talk about what you’ve just watched…
For the same ini­tial action, the fee­ling you’ll have after­wards will be very dif­ferent, won’t it ? 
💡 In concrete terms, here’s what we sug­gest you do :
  • List the times when you’re actual­ly toge­ther. It could be mor­ning cof­fee, han­ging out the washing, pre­pa­ring meals…
  • Reflect toge­ther on how to « spice up » these moments to trans­form them into qua­li­ty time toge­ther as a couple. 
🔥 Put the magic back into eve­ry­day life !

Dedicate more quality time to your relationship 

If you feel that this dimen­sion of your rela­tion­ship is being over­loo­ked in your mar­ried life, it’s time to roll up your sleeves ! It’s essen­tial for a strong couple ! 
Take some time toge­ther to dis­cuss how much time you could spare for your rela­tion­ship.
Depen­ding on your per­so­nal, pro­fes­sio­nal or fami­ly situa­tion, this can take many forms. From a few minutes a day before the chil­dren get up to one wee­kend a month, it’s up to you to decide what’s pos­sible for you. And what makes you want to find your balance ! 
We’ll come up with lots of ideas in the next sec­tion, but you can alrea­dy set the rules for these moments together : 
  • 👉🏼 Devote 100% of your time to each other, put­ting aside all forms of dis­trac­tion : tele­phone, children…
  • 👉🏼 Banish any « logis­ti­cal » aspect from these moments. You’re here to share a moment, talk about your­self and your rela­tion­ship. Not to make the next week’s to-do list and talk about hou­se­hold chores ! 

Ideas for quality time with your partner 

This qua­li­ty time can take the form of a new sha­red hob­by (or a course to take toge­ther), a simple walk around the neigh­bo­rhood with your part­ner, a moment of sexua­li­ty or ten­der­ness, a din­ner for two in a res­tau­rant or at home… 
The objec­tive ? Spend time toge­ther just for the fun of it, taking a break toge­ther to nur­ture your connec­tion and bond… and thus enrich your life as a couple. 
The key to all this is to plan ahead, espe­cial­ly if you live your life at a thou­sand miles an hour.
Ano­ther idea if you are future brides and grooms : start a pre­ma­ri­tal coun­se­ling pro­gram to expe­rience seven moments of intense connec­tion as lovers. 

Bonus : a little exercise you can do right now to nurture your relationship with your partner.

If you’re toge­ther, do it face-to-face, other­wise you can exchange messages. 
  • ➡️ Take out your dia­ry for the week ahead, and define a time slot that you want to devote 100% to your rela­tion­ship. Block it in your 2 diaries.
  • ➡️ Dis­cuss what you want to do with it, and orga­nize what needs to be done (child­care, get­ting off work ear­ly…). Even­tual­ly, appoint someone to be in charge, so you can swap roles next time !
You’ll see : orga­ni­zing will allow you to pro­ject your­self into the moment. You’ll be enjoying your time toge­ther even before you rea­lize it !
And lit­tle by lit­tle, giving your­self these moments will become an ines­ca­pable habit ! 


Sha­ring moments just for the two of you doesn’t have to be the exclu­sive pre­serve of young couples. And yet, as time goes by, this becomes increa­sin­gly rare for many couples : dai­ly life, obli­ga­tions, stress… take over and we can qui­ck­ly, without rea­li­zing it, become mere roommates. 
But the­re’s no such thing as fata­li­ty : all you have to do is roll up your sleeves. Qua­li­ty time is the cor­ners­tone of a ful­filling rela­tion­ship. They create a deep emo­tio­nal connec­tion and streng­then mutual unders­tan­ding. They can also help ease ten­sion in a relationship. 
So let’s get off the phone and enjoy some qua­li­ty time together ! 

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We are Lysiane and Romain new­ly­weds and co-foun­ders of Unio pre­ma­ri­tal counseling. 
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